EWW: The Shell

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insert Choplin- Funeral March here

Folks, before we begin this episode I unfortunately have a very sad announcement to make...

...it is with a heavy heart that I inform you, that as of this episode, we must officially put to rest the "Gumball and Penny make their crush on each other obvious but it somehow goes nowhere' cliché

Created alllll the way back in The End, this clché has been with us almost since the beginning...


Gumball: Darwin! There is no future! We need to make the most of it right now! Not listening to some baboon drone on about algebra!
Penny: Whispers to Gumball Uh, Gumball, this is biology.
Gumball: Oh, who cares?! It won't matter in twenty-four hours! Kiss me, Penny.
So, this is the first of many, many instances in Season 1 and 2 where Gumball or Penny make their crush for the other obvious in front of each other, yet absolutely nothing comes of it for seemingly no reason. Which is why I'm introducing...

Gumball/Penny make their love for the other obvious but it somehow goes nowhere cliché +1


Many-a-times was it called upon in moments of great need...


Gumball: Sees himself holding Penny's hand Awesome! ...DAY for remembering... those who have left us. Shall we go?
Gumball/Penny make their love for the other obvious but it somehow goes nowhere cliché +2

Suddenly, the world fades away as Gumball and Penny are surrounded by the vastness of space once again~
Gumball: Um, I was thinking about the, you know, next party? Maybe you can be the sandwich in my uh, peanut jelly butter... you know what I mean.
Penny: Giggles Yeah, I'd love to.
Penny and Gumball lean in for a kiss... only to be interrupted by Richard, who honks the horn
repeatedly, abruptly cutting the scene back to reality
Gumball straight up asked her on a date, AND she said YES. How does this not go anywhere!?

Gumball/Penny make their love for the other obvious but it somehow goes nowhere cliché +3

Gumball: Whoawhoawhoawhoawhoawhoa, wait. Consider this: If you'd previously expressed an interest in the blueberry cupcake, would you then Gets angry eat an orange cupcake behind its back before resolving a potential relationship with the blueberry cupcake?!
Between what he said just before and now this, it's about time this came back for Season 2...

...Gumball/Penny makes their love for the other obvious but it somehow goes nowhere cliché! +1

Darwin: Hey Penny, I'm sorry for never being upfront about my emotions, or having the courage to stand in front of you like a man to tell you how I feel.
Penny: Oh, wow. I never realized you had any feelings towards me. If anyone did, I would have thought it was Gumball.
From the distance, Gumball is hiding behind a football goalpost
Gumball: Sorry for being too scared to say it in person! Runs, and trips on a trash bin. Gets up, and runs again
Okay, so Gumball gets Darwin to outright fully admit his true feelings to Penny for him, with no holding back, downplaying or denying anything and Gumball himself confirms what Darwin said is true aaand...they still somehow don't get together until the middle of next season, between which only one attempt is made by either of them to actually get the ball rolling (Gumball attempting to ask her out to the mall in The Kids.)

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