EWW: The Date

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Gumball: Well, Penny asked me out on a date. No biggie.
Nicole: She did?! That's great news! What did she say?
Awwwww, I love how genuinely excited Nicole is for Gumball here. She really does care about her children's lives and happiness. -5

Gumball: Excuse me, what?!
Penny: Do you want to come around to my house this Saturday?
Gumball: Me, with you, at your place?
Penny: You see, it's Mr. Cuddles' funeral...
It took only 34 seconds (yes I went back and counted) into this episode for it to be revealed that the title is view bait and Gumball is just misunderstanding why Penny asked him around. Why reveal this so early on? They could have led us on a little, have us believe Gumball actually was going on a date with Penny finally, and save the reveal for when Gumball himself finds out  +5

Also, this episode had the chance to finally move Gumball and Penny's relationship forward a little after all the times they inexplicably didn't and have a fun adorable episode with the two.  But naaaah Gumball is just stoopid and lovestruck and misunderstood her and ruins her pet's funeral. Cause that's a much better story. +5 

Darwin: Man, you're my hero. You're going on this big date and you're not even nervous! I'd be freaking out! I mean think about it, if you blow it, she'll never speak to you again, and you'll be left alone for the rest of your life, and never find happiness!
Gumball slightly panics
Darwin thinks it was a good idea to tell Gumball this, knowing full well how big a crush he has on Penny and how much he'd want the date to go well. +1

Nicole: See you after work!
Wait what? She's going to work in the evening, after they just had dinner? The Rainbow Factory doesn't seem like a job that would have night shifts so this really doesn't make sense. +1

Richard laughs
Gumball: What?
Richard: Listen son, ignore everything your mother just said.
Gumball: Why?
Richard: Look, women only think they want us to be ourselves because they don't know how wretched we actually are. What you have to do is think of someone really cool and attractive and be them!
Gumball: R-Really? B-But, Anais is this true?
He for even a second believes his father, who is infamously known for not being the brightest, over his mother,  a smart competent woman who actually knows what she's talking about. +1

Anais: I'm gonna have to go with Dad on this one. You're kind of a loser, Gumball.
Anais sides with advice she is absolutely smart enough to know is terrible. Surely she'd know that if Penny asked him out she must already like him. +1

Also, straight up calling your brother a loser and actually meaning it? That's just mean. Not to mention said insult is coming from the nerdy four-year-old with no friends except a stuffed doll. If he's a loser than she's an even bigger one.  +10

Also also, in what way is Gumball a loser? Sure he isn't the most popular at school, but he is by no means the least popular either. There's a at least a couple of people below him in popularity, and debateably a good few more. Plus he's on at least good terms or even pretty decent friends with most if not all the people in his class. And yes he may not get the best grades and sure he messes up a lot but I wouldn't say either of those makes him a loser by any means. +5

Gumball: What am I gonna do? I really like Penny. I want her to like me too.
He straight up admits his crush on Penny here despite being super defensive and embarrassed about it basically every other time it's brought up pre-The Shell. +1

Also, there is no way he doesn't know Penny likes him at this point. I mean he believes that he kissed her in the treehouse, which she invited him to do. Not to mention the times she invited him to Rachel's party and invited him to walk her to lunch. And when she defended him wearing the gi. I get he's more naive in Season 1, but he's not that naive. +5

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