EWW: The Mustache

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Gumball: Sure! Hey, Dad?
Richard: Still trying to open the box Yes?
Gumball: Takes the box from Richard, opens it, and returns it We really don't want to go to school today.
Richard: Why? Are you sick?
Gumball: Nah. We're not just up for it.
Darwin: Yeah! School is boring!
Richard: But you have to go to school. You're kids! It's what you do!
Gumball and Darwin: Aw!
I like that for once Richard didn't just say yes and actually made them go to school. It shows that he can be responsible when he needs/wants to. -1

Gumball: I wish we were grown-ups, like Dad. Then we'd never have to go to school and nobody would tell us what to do. We could drive trucks, stay up all night, vote.
Gumball and Darwin: Gasp Vote...
Why are 12 and 10-year-old boys so desperate to be able to vote? +1

Gumball: Right. Anyway, about school...
Richard: Places the supplement box on the table. Oh, yeah. You're kids, so you do what mom tells me to tell you to do.
Oh, Nicole told him to make them do it. Makes sense, though kinda undermines him telling them to do so.  Though I still think he'd be responsible enough to make them go even if she hadn't. +1

Richard: You should be happy to be young. Before you know it, you'll be overweight, unattractive, balding, middle-aged.
Richard starts sobbing.
Richard: Mistakenly takes the cereal box. Take over breakfast! I don't want you to see me like this!
A nice little bit of clever foreshadowing here. On a first watch you probably wouldn't really pay much attention to it, but the second time it immediately becomes obvious what was going on with him the two boxes, and what Richard said. -1

Gumball: Man, what a pile of beans.
Darwin: Gasps Dude, watch your language! You'll get us in trouble!

He...didn't swear though. Not even a word everyone says is a cuss word but actually isn't like damn or hell. +1

Gumball throws a can at the Shooting Star.
Shooting Star: Ow!
Gumball: Faker!
Hahahahahahaha -1

Lucy Simian: Turns around and faces the board again. Pimples, or acne, Camera changes to Darwin as a pimple grows on his face. can pop up at any time...
A pimple just so happens to grow on Darwin's face exactly when Ms Simian is talking about it  +1

Both of them run out the classroom screaming and run into the girls' restroom; Scene changes to the restroom door where Gumball and Darwin are still screaming in pain.
Gumball: Off scene I think that's all of them.
Scene changes to the inside of the girl's restroom where Gumball and Darwin are covered with pink papers.
Penny is somehow in the bathroom despite being in the classroom with Gumball and Darwin and still being in there when both of them ran into the bathroom. There's no way she could have gotten to the bathroom before they did. +5

Lucy Simian: Next comes the appearance of hair on the body and face.
Scene changes to back to Gumball and Darwin where Darwin starts growing a mustache.
Darwin just so happens to grow a mustache exactly when Ms Simian is talking about pubic and facial hair growing +1

Penny: In a stall Uh, guys, I don't mean to interrupt, but this is the girls' toilet.
I love how nonchalant and calm Penny is about this. Instead of freaking out about Gumball and Darwin being in the girl's toilets she just politely lets them know of their mistake and leaves it at that. It just goes to show how much she cares about and trusts the two of them. If it were most of the other boys in class she probably would have been a lot more freaked out and disgusted by it, but because she knows it's them and knows they would never intentionally go in there to do something gross or disgusting she's totally chill with it.  A great little bit of characterization here. -5

Scene changes to the School Gym where the students are; Gumball and Darwin are completely bald.
Why is Darwin 'hairless' too? He has scales, not fur. +1

Tina walks up to Gumball and Darwin.
Tina: You're going down. Tries to punch her fists together, but they are too short. You get the idea.
Is this supposed to be continued continuity from The Sock where they badly insulted Tina when being honest to her? Cause on one hand that's pretty cool that they have Tina acting more hostile toward them because of it, but on the other hand, they didn't really do anything to really make that clear. She just seems hostile to them for no real reason. Could have added one or two lines between them to make that connection more obvious. +5

Everyone gets to their teams and a siren goes off.
Their fur/scales have suddenly magically grown back +1

Leslie and Alan gasp as Gumball transforms into a grown man and throws the dodge ball back at Tina, causing her to fly out of the gym. Everyone sees what happened to Tina. Gumball then steps forward while everyone looks at Gumball flexing his chest, shoulder, and butt.
Somehow Gumball's sweater ripped but his pants remained perfectly fine. They must be incredibly tight right now. +1

Also, this show made a butt joke. +20

Leslie​​: Oh!
Wow, he really liked when Gumball flexed his butt. Between this and him making up a boyfriend in The Pressure, are the writers trying to tell us that Leslie is actually gay? 

Cause that would make too much sense. -5

And we can have our own kids but we're gonna wait until we meet the right person because it's an important decision!
Hahahahahahaha -1

Gumball: Oh, wait. No, we can't. We don't have any money.
He says this but we just saw them spending money on movies a few seconds ago. And later on, they somehow afford an entire apartment. +1

Martha: You guys want a job? WELL, YOU CAN HAVE MINE! I QUIT!
Martha throws their name tags at them.
Martha: GOOD LUCK!
Door slams
Martha quits her job here but inexplicably has her job back again in The Finale +1

Scene changes to an old apartment where Gumball and Darwin live. Scene changes again to the living room where Gumball and Darwin are watching TV.
Uh, why are they in a random apartment rather than their house? Also, how did they even afford it? They said they had no money +1

Anais: Guys, Revealing her masculine self it's me -- your sister. 
How on earth did she know where to find them? +1

Nicole: Richard, why on earth were you buying those supplements?
Richard: I couldn't help myself. It's the internet's fault. Shows his laptop Every time I opened my e-mails, this is what I get.
Advertisement: Are you too fat?
Richard: Yes.
Advertisement: Are you too bald?
Richard: Maybe.
Advertisement: Are you really the man she deserves?
Richard: No! He throws the laptop out of the window along with the other laptops he threw before.
Nicole: So, that's where all the laptops went.
Richard: It was a moment of weakness, Sobbing and I crumbled, Nicole! I crumbled! Crying~
Nicole: Oh, honey, you didn't need those pills. I love you just the way you are.
Gumball, Darwin and Anais: So do we, Dad.
Richard: Sniff Really? Oh, Richard and Nicole opened their arms to welcome Gumball, Darwin and Anais a hug come here, my little --
Gumball, Darwin and Anais hug Richard and Nicole very hard, crushing them in the process.
Awwwwwwww! -10

Scene changed to the outdoor playground, where Gumball and Darwin are having fun riding the spring riders while everyone stared at them in shock. Anais is playing the swing while Richard is having a hard time pushing her up.
There's no way those springers or that swing would stay up with people that big on it. They shouldn't be moving at all.  +1

Total Sins: 20

Most Sinned Episode So Far: The Poltergeist (128)
Least Sinned Episode So Far: The Gi (-12)

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