who is afraid of little old me?

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Virat stood at the edge of the room, his eyes fixed on Rohit, who was surrounded by a group of admirers, laughing and chatting animatedly. The music swirled around them, a soft melody that seemed to tug at Virat's heartstrings, filling him with a strange mix of nostalgia and longing.

He remembered the days when he and Rohit were inseparable, when their love had been the talk of the town. They had danced to this very song countless times, their bodies moving in perfect harmony, their eyes speaking volumes even when their lips remained sealed.

As the music continued to play, Virat felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see Charles,his friend, smiling at him. "Go on, dance with him," Charles said, knowing full well the history between Virat and Rohit.

Virat hesitated, his gaze flickering back to Rohit, who was now watching him with an unreadable expression. With a deep breath, Virat stepped onto the dance floor, his feet moving almost on autopilot as he made his way to Rohit.

Without a word, Rohit took Virat's hand and pulled him into the dance, their bodies falling into familiar patterns as if no time had passed between them. They moved together, their movements fluid and graceful, each step a silent conversation that spoke of memories long buried.

As the song reached its climax, Virat felt a surge of emotion wash over him. He wanted to tell Rohit how much he had missed him, how much he still loved him, but the words remained trapped in his throat, unsaid.

Instead, he let the music speak for him, letting the lyrics of "Tum Hi Ho" convey all the emotions he could not put into words. As the final notes faded away, Virat and Rohit stood there, their eyes locked in a silent understanding, both knowing that some things were better left unsaid.

"Vi,vi" said Charles lightly shaking him and virat realised he was dreaming. Again.

Virat assured Charles that he was fine, therefore when Charles knew he was okay, he went onto check to Rishabh, who was with a friend of theirs, on the other side of the ballroom.

Virat stood at the edge of the grand ballroom, his eyes scanning the crowd for familiar faces. His heart was heavy as he watched Rohit dancing with Natasha, his fiancée, their movements graceful and intimate. Virat felt a pang of jealousy and longing, wishing he could turn back time and reclaim what he had lost.

Just then, he spotted Charles across the room, looking dashing in his tailored suit. Charles was a friend, a confidante, and perhaps something more. As their eyes met, Virat felt a spark of hope ignite within him. Without a second thought, he made his way through the crowd towards Charles.

"Would you care to dance?" Virat asked, extending his hand to Charles.

Charles smiled warmly and took Virat's hand. As they stepped onto the dance floor, Virat felt a sense of comfort and familiarity wash over him. He had danced with Charles many times before, but tonight felt different. There was an unspoken understanding between them, a silent agreement to dance away their sorrows and fears.

As they moved to the music, Virat felt Rohit's eyes on them, burning with jealousy. He could see the tension in Rohit's body, the clenched fists, the furrowed brow. Virat couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction, knowing that he was the one who had caused Rohit's discomfort. He felt he was winning somewhere at-least.

But as the song came to an end, Virat's triumph was replaced by a pang of sadness. He knew that dancing with Charles had been a fleeting moment of defiance, a temporary escape from his heartache. He also knew that no matter how much he danced, no matter how much he tried to forget, Rohit would always have a hold on his heart.

As Virat and Charles parted ways, Virat couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards his friend. Charles had been there for him in his darkest moments, offering comfort and support when he needed it most. And tonight, he had given Virat a brief respite from his pain, if only for a moment.

As Virat watched Rohit and Natasha dance once more, he knew that his heart would always belong to Rohit. But he also knew that he had the strength to move on, to find happiness in the arms of someone who truly cherished him. And as he made his way out of the ballroom, Virat felt a glimmer of hope shining within him, guiding him towards a brighter tomorrow.

He went towards the bar,trying to drink his pain, just when manish, came towards him.
Virat braced himself for what was coming to him now.

"I hope you're enjoying the party organised" said manish,smirking while sipping his red wine in his hand.

"Certainly, I hope everything is upto your state sir" said virat, trying his best to maintain the decorum of the party.

"Yeah, definitely. I didn't realise you had a kid as well." Said Manish. Virat nodded.

"Guess what whores like you do, you're so pathetic virat, i know you never deserved my son" said manish, looking with absolute disgust in his voice.

"Sir,you better maintain that tone of yours because you're forgetting i still have proofs against YOU and your son, which i can still give to the police and get both of you, in jail in no moment." Said virat, equally smirking.

"You"- said manish but was interrupted.

"Aha, let me complete, i might not be revengeful but i know you're still afraid of little old me, enjoy your evening, respectfully sir" said virat as he left that place leaving Manish fuming.

The party went on, where everyone enjoyed whilst Virat drank as much as he could, for some unknown reason. He was not in his senses anymore as Charles safely tucked him in his room, and himself went and made Rishabh sleep as well. He just wished Virat slept,properly.

Virat stumbled into the room, his steps unsteady from the effects of the alcohol. He had been drinking more than usual tonight, trying to drown out the memories of Rohit, his ex-lover. But here they were, sharing a room once again, the past haunting them both.

Rohit watched Virat's clumsy movements with a mix of concern and amusement. Despite everything, he couldn't deny that seeing Virat like this brought back memories of their happier times together. "Are you alright, Virat?" he asked, his voice soft.

Virat looked up with a goofy smile, his cheeks flushed from the alcohol. "I'm fiiiiine, Rohit!" he exclaimed, his words slightly slurred. He plopped down on the bed with an exaggerated sigh, throwing his arm over his eyes dramatically.

Rohit couldn't help but chuckle at Virat's antics. "You know, you were always adorable when you were drunk," he teased, gently nudging Virat's side.

Virat peeked out from under his arm, a playful glint in his eyes. "Oh, am I?" he asked, trying to look serious but failing miserably.

Rohit nodded, his smile widening. "Definitely. Remember that time at the beach? You insisted on building a sandcastle at midnight, and when it collapsed, you cried like a baby," he reminisced, a fond glint in his eyes.

Virat's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, but he couldn't help but laugh at the memory. "I was so silly back then," he admitted, leaning his head against Rohit's shoulder.

They sat in comfortable silence for a while, the only sound in the room the soft rustling of the curtains in the breeze. Despite their past, there was a sense of peace between them, a shared understanding of what once was.

As the night wore on, they eventually drifted off to sleep, their hands still intertwined, their hearts still connected. And for a brief moment, everything felt right in the world, as if they were meant to be together, now and forever.

Virat woke up in the middle of the night, and he started crying.

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Much love<3

loving you is a losing game.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora