"Why are you looking at me like that? Have I got something in my face?", I ask starting to get worried.
"No, you don't. It's just, well-", he says before stops himself as if he's not sure what to say.
"Okay, so I don't know where we stand and this might be too hasty but I'm still gonna do it before I chicken out", he tells me, "Can I take you out Monday evening?"


Maëlys' pov:

"As much as I want to keep kissing you, can we please go back inside? I'm getting kinda cold", I say as I pull away from the kiss.
"Of course, babe", Jobe chuckles and pecks my lips again before he takes my hand and leads me back inside the house.

Our original plan was to force Riri and Jude to talk to each other so we went out to the backyard to give them some privacy. My comment with the make out part was just so they wouldn't follow us but the minute we got outside and I saw my boyfriend's smirk I couldn't resist. Like who am I to turn down a make out session with my hot as partner who I might add is an awesome kisser?

As we get back to the kitchen we find Riri and Jude still at the same spot talking to each other. I quickly pull her away from the boys so I can interrogate her while Jobe does the same with his brother.

"So, did you and Jude have a good talk?", I ask with a smirk on my face.
As a response she just bites her bottom lip trying to hide her smile.
"Wait, your face right now tells me something did happened. Tell me now", I request.
"Okay, so Jude might have asked me out on a date", she reveals.
"Oh my god! He did?", I question excitedly and receive a nod in return.

"What did you say?"
"Obviously I said yes. We're going out on Monday", she tells me with excitement in her voice.
"I'm so happy for you", I smile, "Who would have thought that we would go out with the Bellinghams?"
"True. If you told me a year ago both of us would be dating them boys I probably would have called you crazy", Riri laughs.

"You guys wanna go to the living room to just sit down somewhere and chat?", Jude asks ripping us out of our conversation.
"Why not?", Amari answers him as I nod along.
"You guys go ahead. I wanna get something else to drink", I tell them.

"Oh, while you're already at it, could you make me a gin tonic? But not too strong though please", my friend asks.
"Sure, I got you", I return.
"Thanks, Lee, you're the best."
With that the three of them make their way towards the living room and I busy myself with the drinks.


Jobe's pov:

It's now been a few minutes since Jude, Amari and I found ourselves somewhere to sit down in the living room of the house. Maëlys said she'd hang back for a bit to make drinks for Riri and herself but I'm starting to get worried why it's taking so long.

"What's taking Lee so long?", I question to my brother and Amari.
"Maybe she's just chatting to someone from our school or something", she shrugs, "Just give her a minute."
With a sigh I lean back against the couch I'm sitting on and just listen to what Riri said.

However, a few minutes later Maëlys still hasn't made it to us and I'm getting impatient.
'Fuck it, I'm not waiting any longer. Something seems off' I think.
"Okay, I'm gonna look for Maëlys just in case", I tell the others as I get up. Fortunately they don't stop me and I simply make my way to the kitchen.

As I walk into the room I immediately find her talking to someone while her back is to me. No wait, not someone random. Of course it's that prick Darien. Even though I don't see her face I can tell that she's still uncomfortable just by her body language. I quicken my steps so I can reach her faster. As soon as I do I wrap an protective arm around her waist and stand at her side.

feels like french kisses - a jobe bellingham story Where stories live. Discover now