Ishaan and Rehaan's heartache.

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Naina's pov

I stepped into Rehaan's house, my heart pounding in my chest. He looked at me, his eyes filled with a sadness I couldn't comprehend.

"See, Naina..." he began, but his voice trailed off. I watched him, waiting for him to continue, but he seemed lost for words.

"Ughh, you know that Ishaan bhai is not going to be with you again," he finally said. His words hit me like a punch in the gut. I sighed, looking down, trying to hide the pain in my eyes.

"I just... called you here because... I can't do it anymore. I think now we should fall apart," he continued. His words shocked me. I looked at him, my eyes wide with disbelief.

"Naina, we both know that we both came into this relationship because we thought that Ishaan bro will come back to India if he gets to know that we were dating. But even after knowing from mom... he didn't. Now I can't be in a relationship, just because we dated temporarily," he explained.

Tears welled up in my eyes. I blinked them back, trying to keep my composure.

"But the feelings were true," I protested. "I... I was irritating you, loving you, playing with you, studying with you since a year, just because I fell for you, idiot! How can we fall apart when we are in a real relationship now??"

Rehaan chuckled, a bitter sound that didn't reach his eyes. "I know that! But... but. I can't. Sorry."

And with that, he turned away, leaving me standing there, my heart breaking. He went to the kitchen, busying himself with preparing a shake, leaving me alone with my thoughts and my tears.


As I turned away from Naina, I felt a lump in my throat. I walked into the kitchen, my heart heavy with the weight of our conversation. I could still hear her soft sobs echoing in the silence of the room.

I busied myself with preparing a shake, trying to drown out the sound of my own heart breaking. The cold steel of the blender felt comforting against my trembling hands. I poured the milk, added the protein powder, and switched on the blender. The loud whirring noise filled the room, drowning out everything else.

But even the noise couldn't drown out my thoughts. I leaned against the counter, my eyes stinging with unshed tears. I had hurt Naina, the one person I never wanted to hurt. But what choice did I have? I couldn't continue to live a lie.

I thought about Ishaan, my brother, who was miles away from us. I thought about the plan we had made, to make him jealous, to bring him back. But it had all been in vain. He didn't care. He didn't come back.

And in the process, I had fallen for Naina. I had fallen for her smile, her laughter, her kindness. But it wasn't fair to her. She deserved someone who could love her without any conditions, without any plans.

A single tear rolled down my cheek, falling onto the counter. I quickly wiped it away, taking a deep breath. I had to be strong. For Naina. For myself.

I poured the shake into a glass, my hands shaking. I took a sip, the cold liquid doing nothing to soothe the ache in my heart. I looked at the empty room, at the place where Naina had stood just moments ago.

"I'm sorry, Naina," I whispered into the silence. "I'm so sorry."


Walking down the bustling streets, my mind was a whirl of thoughts. The sight of a familiar ice cream parlour caught my attention. I saw two couples sharing ice cream, their faces lit up with joy and laughter. It was a simple, everyday scene, but it stirred up a storm of emotions within me.

My mind drifted back to Rehaan, Naina, and... Swara. Swara, with her love for butterscotch ice cream and her infectious laughter. Where was she now? She must have grown even more intelligent and scholarly. I wasn't there anymore to compete with her in academics, in extracurricular activities.

A pang of regret hit me. I had left them all behind, chasing my own dreams, my own ambitions. But at what cost? I had lost my brother, my friends... I had lost a part of myself.

I stood there, lost in my thoughts, the noise of the bustling street fading into the background. I felt a strange sense of loneliness, a longing for the past, for the times we had spent together.

I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. I had made my choices, and I had to live with them. But that didn't stop the ache in my heart, the longing for the past.

As I walked away from the ice cream parlour, I couldn't help but wonder... Where was Swara? Was Naina is still thinking about me too? Or had she moved on, just like I had tried to do?



I continued my walk, the city lights reflecting in my eyes. I passed by a park, the laughter of children playing bringing a small smile to my face. It reminded me of the times we used to play cricket in the park near our house, the joy and camaraderie we shared.

I missed it. I missed them. I missed... home.

I took out my phone, staring at the screen. I had their numbers, I could call them, hear their voices. But what would I say? That I missed them? That I regretted leaving?

I sighed, putting the phone back in my pocket. It wasn't that simple. I had made my decision, and I had to stick with it, no matter how much it hurt.

As I walked back to my apartment, the city lights seemed a little less bright, the sounds a little less cheerful. I was thousands of miles away from home, yet it felt like a part of me was still there, in India, with Rehaan, Naina, and Swara.

After reaching apartment...

I lay in bed that night, staring at the ceiling, I couldn't help but wonder if they were thinking about me too. If they missed me as much as I missed them. And with that thought, I drifted off to sleep, the memories of home lulling me into a restless slumber.


Once in a blue moonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें