Locket of Departures

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The sun hung low in the sky, casting elongated shadows across the bustling college campus. Rehaan adjusted the strap of his backpack, hurrying toward the library. His last third year at St. Xavier's had been a whirlwind of assignments, exams, and late-night study sessions.

As a scholarship student, he felt the weight of expectations on his shoulders—a delicate balance between academic excellence and maintaining some semblance of a social life.

Today, as he stepped into the library, he spotted Naina sitting by the window, her notebook open and her expression thunderous.

He sighed inwardly, knowing what awaited him. She had cornered him during lunch, her voice rising above the cafeteria chatter.

"You're always buried in books, Rehaan!" Naina's accusation echoed in his mind. "Do you even remember the last time we went out? Or when we had a real conversation?"

He had mumbled an apology, promising to make time for her. But promises were like loose pages in a textbook—easily forgotten amidst the chaos of deadlines and research papers.

Now, as he approached her, he braced himself for the storm. Naina looked up, her eyes narrowing. "Rehaan, do you even care about us? Or am I just another footnote in your academic journey?"

He sank into the chair opposite her, running a hand through his unruly hair. "Naina, it's not that simple. You know how important my studies are."

She scoffed. "Studies, studies, always studies! Rehaan, we're in college, not a research lab. You can't dissect life into neat sections."

"But—" he began, only to be interrupted.

"No 'buts'!" Naina leaned forward, her frustration palpable. "I want more than stolen glances in the library. I want late-night conversations, laughter, and shared secrets. Is that too much to ask?"

Rehaan struggled to find the right words. "Naina, I—"

"—don't have time," she finished for him. "I know. But Rehaan, time isn't something you find; it's something—."

Rehaan takes deep breath while closing his eyes.

"are you seeking revenge because I rejec—."

"Can't you understand my perspective?" he blurted out, his voice sharper than he intended. "Have you ever truly listened to me?"

Naina's lips tightened.

He clenched his fists and walked away.

Swara stands by her open suitcase, folding clothes meticulously. Her room is filled with memories—posters, trinkets, and the scent of nostalgia.

Swara's mom: Swara, beta, are you sure about this? America is so far away.

SWARA: (smiling, but her eyes betray her emotions) Mom, it's an opportunity of a lifetime. I've dreamt of studying there, exploring new horizons. And you know what they say—the world is your oyster.

Swara's mom: (sighs) Yes, I know. But my heart aches. You're my little girl, Swara. Leaving home feels like a piece of my soul unraveling.

SWARA:(hugs her mom) Mom, I promise to call every day. Skype, WhatsApp—whatever it takes. And I'll be back for holidays. You won't even notice I'm gone.

Swara's mom:(teary-eyed) You better keep that promise, young lady. And don't forget to eat well. Those American burgers won't replace my homemade dal chawal.

SWARA:(laughs) I'll miss your dal chawal, Mom. But I'll also try their hot dogs and pancakes. And guess what? I'll learn to cook them too!

Swara's mom: (holds Swara's face) My brave girl.

Swara stands near the departure gate, her bags checked in. She glances back one last time, spotting her mom and dad waving tearfully.

SWARA: (whispers) Goodbye, Mom and Dad,I'll be your full moon, shining across oceans.

As she walks toward her new adventure, she clutches the silver locket, feeling the weight of love and dreams.
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