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Rehaan's eyes blazed with fury. "Fine, let's say you're doing it all for them." His voice dropped to a dangerous whisper. "But you'll have to prove that you'll forget Ishaan forever." His fingers brushed against her cheek, rough and unforgiving. "No more friendship with him."

"Swara," he spat, "now get out of their lives. Right now." His eyes bore into hers. "I, Ishaan, and Naina don't want to see your face anymore."

"You double-faced—" But before he could say another word, Ishaan stepped forward unexpectedly, his own anger boiling over. His palm connected with Rehaan's cheek in a resounding slap. The sound echoed through the empty hall, a punctuation mark to their tangled emotions.

Swara's throat tightened, and she stumbled backward, muffling her sobs. The air crackled with tension, and the room seemed to hold its breath, waiting for the next move in this emotional chess game.

Rehaan's cheek reddened, and Ishaan's eyes blazed with defiance. Swara, caught between them, felt like a fragile pawn in a high-stakes match.

Rehaan's hand trembled as he touched his stinging cheek. His anger shifted, replaced by a mix of shock and hurt. He glared at Ishaan, who stood there, unyielding. "You think this changes anything?"

Rehaan's voice was low, but the intensity cut through the silence. "I am your brother, how could you—."

Ishaan's jaw clenched. "Not anymore." His gaze flickered to Swara, who was still pressed against the wall. "I don't think you are my brother Rehaan, if you would be a brother, you would not insult a Swara like this."

Swara's tears blurred her vision. She had never wanted this—never wanted to be the cause of their animosity. But now, she was trapped in a web of emotions.

"You are forcing Swara to do something she doesn't wholeheartedly want to do," Ishaan yelled at his younger brother.

"She has to come to a conclusion about what she wants. Why does she say at one moment that she's letting you go happily, and then at another time, she feels left out?" Rehaan mockingly explains his point of view.

Ishaan's tone was firm. "It's her choice, Rehaan. What she decides for herself is not for you to dictate."

"But—" Rehaan began.

"Know your limits, Rehaan!" Ishaan interrupted sharply.

Rehaan sighed. "Okay, fine! I won't say anything to your best friend."

Ishaan continued to glare at him, the tension palpable.

"But," Rehaan persisted, "you have to tell me: after knowing that Swara likes you, what would you do? Will you leave Naina now?"

Ishaan's gaze shifted to Naina, who looked at him silently, hope etching her features. Swara, now absent from the auditorium, weighed heavily on his mind.

His voice carried a tone of finality. "I am going to the USA today."

Naina sighed, her eyes searching his face. "At least answer Rehaan's question honestly."

Ishaan's disbelief was evident as he looked at Naina. "Do you really think I would betray you?"

Naina gasped, realizing the implications of her actions. She quickly averted her gaze, unable to meet his eyes.

"Naina," he pressed, "do you have faith in me?"

Naina sighed, her gaze fixed on the floor. Rehaan glanced at her, sharing her weariness.

Ishaan chuckled, shaking his head. "Goodbye...both of you!," he announced, his tone resolute.

Rehaan's voice crackled mix with regret and hurt "Ishaan bro plea—." Before he could request his brother to stop him from going to USA, Ishaan was left already..

Rehaan's reverie shattered as Naina's gentle touch landed on his shoulder. He turned to look at her, and in her eyes, he glimpsed a mix of hurt and regret.

Naina settled beside Rehaan on the dew-kissed grass, the weight of their shared history heavy in the air. Her voice was soft, laced with regret. "I am sorry, Rehaan. I shouldn't have yelled at you, that to, in the library."

She added "I don't know, I was just in the mess when I felt left out, I am very very sorry Rehaan."

He reached out, hesitantly, and pulled her into a gentle hug. "Naina," he murmured, "it's not just you. We're all tangled in this mess."

Her tears dampened his shirt, and he held her tighter. "I am sorry," she whispered, her voice breaking. "I never wanted any of this."

His hand found its way to her hair, fingers tracing soothing patterns.

Rehaan's lips brushed against her forehead, a tender kiss. "It's okay, everything'll be alright!"
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Once in a blue moonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें