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"Are you sure you're not coming?" Leo asks, looking devastated.

I feel guilty not going with them. I don't have any projects for work coming up. I don't have anything going on right now, actually, despite leading my campers through their daily routines, but I shake my head. "I'm sure."

He sighs and climbs onto Festus's back. I pet the dragon affectionately. A part of me feels like I should go, but I've made my decision. My time with Leo Valdez is over. If I spend any more time with him, my feelings might take over, and I'll do something stupid, like forgive him.

I have a new life now. I have people who depend on me. Sure, Marc could take over easily. He's built to lead, unlike I am. It takes effort for me to be in charge, whereas Marc is a natural. Maybe because he's a child of Ares, or maybe it's just who he is. Either way, he's a leader, and I'm not.

I watch as Apollo, Leo, and Calypso climb aboard the bronze dragon. I've made my decision, and I have to stick to it. I am not going on another quest. Especially if it's leading to Greece. Especially especiallly if it involves Leo Valdez.

I shudder involuntarily. My internal alarms are screaming that I should go. I look at the empty seat on Festus's back, and an immense wave of guilt washes over me.

"We're going to miss you, mamacita." Leo tells me, his expression downtrodden.

"You guys will be fine." I force a smile. "Giddyup, Festus!"

I force myself to look away as Festus sails into the clouds, leaving me behind.

I go on with the rest of my day. Shelby teaches a very boring archery class. I zone out while Gio is explaining electrical conductivity. I mix up Chiron and Charon during a Greek history lesson, which makes me feel incredibly stupid. I've met both Chiron and Charon in the flesh. But I can't help it. My mind is distracted.

It's at dinnertime that I can't bear it anymore.

I stand up in the middle of the mess hall, as if my body is moving automatically.

"Demigods." I announce weakly.

Everyone turns to look at me.

I squeeze my eyes shut, unable to believe what I'm about to say. "I need to follow Apollo, Leo, and Calypso. I need to go help them on their quest."

It's so silent, I could hear a pindrop.

Then, all at once, the room floods with protests.

"But you can't go!"

"What are we going to do without you?"

"We need you here!"

"You're supposed to help me with my Latin tomorrow!"

My eyes sting with tears, but I hold up my hands to silence everyone. "Marc will be in charge. He's going to run things. It'll be like I never left-" My voice cracks. "But, this is important. Not just for me, but for all of you. If what they believe is true, and they can't rescue the oracles without me, then I'd be endangering you all by staying. The oracles are important. They determine the futures of almost all demigods. This is something that I need to do, for your sake."

Shelby stands and puts a hand on my shoulder. "We understand, Calli."

I nearly break down right then and there. I don't want to leave. I want to stay here, merrily oblivious, but I know that I can't. I know that this place is not my destiny. As infuriating as it is, my destiny is with Leo Valdez.

To my surprise, the other demigods nod in agreement. Just a few, at first, but then everyone is murmuring and nodding.

The only one who doesn't join in is Gio, who had been seated beside me. His eyes are already red and puffy. "You're leaving us?"

"I have to, Gio." I tell him, stroking his curly hair affectionately. "Marc is going to take good care of the place. You know as well as I do that he's better at this than I am. He'll do a bangin' job."

Gio wraps his arms around me tightly. "I want to come with you."

I smile softly at him. "Not this time, buddy. I need you here, guarding the camp. You're the head of security, after all."

He manages a smile. "Blowtorch gnomes in the garden."

"Sure." I nod. "Whatever you think will work."

"When are you going?" Shelby asks.

My gut wrenches. "I need to catch up with them. I need to go now."

The Cult of DionysusOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant