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(a/n: hello friends!! I should probably explain the title for those that don't know what it is. so amaxophobia (also known as hamaxophobia) can make you feel anxious or fearful when you drive or ride in a vehicle, for example: a car. so for those that didn't know, now you do!! and now that I've dropped some knowledge on you, let's get started!! enjoy!!)

CONTENT WARNINGS: mentions of a car crash, panic attacks, death and anxiety. do not read if any of these topics upset you.


I sat in my living room waiting for my date to arrive. He was picking me up at 4pm but me being me I left it until last minute to get ready. Then I heard a knock on my door. "That must be him..." I looked through my peephole and was correct. I opened the front door to be met with the same man who asked me out the week prior.

"Hey, Y/N! I- wow, you look amazing." "Awe, thanks. So do you." "I parked down the road if that's alright." My heart dropped. "Yeah, that's alright." I followed Max to his car. I shakily got into his car, trying to push that nervous feeling down.

"You okay?" Max looked over at me. "Yeah, I'm just a little nervous..." I half admitted. "There's nothing to be nervous about." Max reassured me. That made me feel better.


"Thanks for today, Max." I looked over at him as I cuddled the teddy bear he had won for me at the arcade. "You're welcome!" As Max was driving along someone quickly crossed the road, making Max brake hard and almost hit them. "What the fuck was that?!" I started shaking as Max continued to drive.

"Y/N, are you okay?" I started hyperventilating and my knee started bouncing quickly. Fucking perfect time for a panic attack. "Hold on, I'll pull over real quick." He drove into a nearby supermarket car park. By the time he had done so I had stopped hyperventilating but was still shaking. "I should've told you this earlier but I...I have a fear of driving..." I sighed.

"Um, me and my best friend were in a really bad car crash a few years ago..." I started tearing up. "...I was the only survivor." "Oh Y/N, I'm so sorry..." Max hugged me tight as I cried into his shoulder. "And ever since I can't be in a car without having a panic attack or thinking something bad's gonna happen..." "Y/N..." I felt my knee begin to bounce up and down rapidly. "Hey, Y/N..." I felt Max place his hand on my thigh, making me calm down.

"Do you want me to take you home?" "Yes, please..." The whole drive home I was profusely apologising to Max because I felt like I had ruined the date. "Y/N, honestly, it's okay. You didn't ruin the date, you were just being a human by opening up." That made me feel a lot better. Once we arrived back home I quickly got out of Max's car, him following me as he walked me up the pathway.

"I had a lot of fun tonight! Thanks, Max." "Glad to hear it! So, does this mean I get a second date?" "Next Saturday at 4pm?" "I'll see you then." Max started leaving but then he turned around and kissed me on the cheek before walking back to his car. I just stood there stunned. "Text me when you get home safe!" I yelled at him. "I will!" He yelled back. I went inside and started celebrating. Despite the negatives that happened tonight, Max said yes to a second date, which is a huge positive.


"Hi, Max!" I got into his car. "Hey, Y/N! How've you been?" "Doing good, exposure therapy's been helping me out a lot." In the week following our first date I decided to try out exposure therapy to try and get over my amaxophobia and thankfully it had been working. "You ready?" "Mhm!" I nodded as Max started his car up.

TIMESKIP A FEW HOURS LATER (sorry for all the time skips ;-;)

"I had so much fun tonight! Thank you, Max!" I looked over at him, still clutching onto the blue Yoshi plushie he had won for me at the arcade just a few hours earlier. "It was nice seeing you. Hopefully I can see you again another time..." I trailed off. "Is this your way of asking me out on another date, Y/N? Because my answer's yes." I couldn't help but giggle at the goofy grin on his face.

"Yeah, yeah it is." Before I got out of the car I gently grabbed his jaw and left a quick kiss on his lips. "Bye, Max!" I got out of his car and walked up the pathway to my house.

Pezzy's POV

"Bye, Max!" I watched as she walked up the pathway and went inside her house before I started driving back home. The whole time my brain couldn't stop replying what just happened. She kissed me. She actually kissed me.

"Sly! She kissed me!" I burst into my living room as my cat Sly looked over at me confused. "I...I think she's the one!" I opened my phone and showed Sly a selfie I took with Y/N back at the arcade. She sniffed my phone and started headbutting and pawing at my phone, as if to say that she approved.

"I can meet her one day, okay?" I gave her a fuss before I went upstairs. As I was getting ready for bed I heard my phone buzz.

Y/N 💕: did you make it home safe??

Pezzy 💜: yeah I did :))

Y/N 💕: good to hear!! :D

Y/N 💕: I'm gonna go to bed now. goodnight Max ❤️❤️

Y/N 💕: I love you xx

I couldn't stop smiling as I re-read those three words Y/N had sent me. She loved me.

Pezzy 💜: I love you too ❤️❤️

Sly cuddled up to me as I told her about Y/N and what happened. Hopefully one day she could actually meet her.

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