a/n- let's talk

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hello friends!!

so, let's have a little chat, shall we??

I'll be honest, I really didn't expect this book to kind of get the attention it did, it's something I came up with kind of last second, I didn't know what I was doing. hell I didn't even now if anyone was gonna read it (thank you if you have btw).

anyways. if anyone's seen in one of my previous one shots you'll see that I said I have a very busy 6 weeks ahead of me and if activity drops on here I couldn't do anything about it. the reason for that is I started my apprenticeship today. so now you have a real reason.

honestly I didn't expect to be doing this at all. the apprenticeship, I mean. I don't know what to make of it all, really.

also, completely irrelevant, but has anyone seen Pezzy's newest video??

also, completely irrelevant, but has anyone seen Pezzy's newest video??

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LOOK AT HIM!!!!!!!!


sorry. I just thought everyone needed to know.

moving on!!

if anyone has any videos from Pezzy they would like to be turned into one shots, just message me the video title and I'll try my best to do something based on it. I don't know if anyone will actually suggest any but I feel like it's worth saying just in case.

but anyways, I'm gonna stop talking. thanks for hanging out with me and I'll see you all with a new one shot. bye!! <3

~Ruthie <3

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