Hello and Welcome! :)

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I'm Wyvern! I'm your author for this story! :)

It's been a few years since I've written, but now I'm back. And this feels so good.

So let's go through a few things before jumping into the story.

I love Newsies. Yes, I have to state that every time I write an openinig like this haha.  It's just...it's been my comfort movie since March 2020. I love everything about it. The story, the music, the characters, the research, the actors, the crew...I just love everything about it. And I hope you do too.

I don't own Newsies. You may laugh, but I've heard stories are being taken down again, so I'm just putting this here. I do not own these characters. All credit goes to Disney.

This is not a place for movie vs musical discourse. Honestly I have grown tired of arguing if the movie is better or the musical is better. I am personally biased to the movie, but that doesn't mean I hate on musical fans. If you are biased towards the musical, just know that this story will be focusing on the movie characters, and will probably not have any musical-specific characters in it (because I don't know how to write them), so if that sounds like this story is not for you, I give you full permission to jump ship now. All are welcome as long as they don't argue. A simple "I prefer x over y" or "I'm unbiased" or "I like x about y but I also like z about a" is fine, but please try not to let it go deeper than that.

I don't know what I'm doing. When do I ever though haha. I know I just said I have a movie bias but I will admit I often sing "and as I may have mentioned I have noooo clueee whaaat I'm do-ing" when I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing. Anywho! We'll figure it out together then! :)

(Who knows? I might throw in some Livesies specific things. From where I'm at right now I'm not sure, but we'll just watch what happens)

I am very clean minded. And asexual. So no yucky stuff in here. If that's your thing, I don't judge. Just know that you won't find any of that here.

I have updated my usual policies. So usually I write "please, no homophobia, profanties, or hate in the comment section at all times". But as I've gotten older, I've started to change my views on profanities. No, I don't use them myself, but I won't stop you from using them yourself. My condition though is that you are not cursing at me in the comment section or another wattpad user. If you are not cursing at anyone mentioned above, feel free to let those freakin words fly when they need to.

This is going to be very very gay. I ship Javid, Sprace, and Blush (that's the order in which I learned about these ships and started shipping them but if you've read any of my stories you know that Sprace gives me the most brain rot haha). Also queerness will have a big role in this story as they explore different eras with different views on queerness.

I love playing around with different relationship dynamics. Whether platonic, romantic, familial, expect to see it all here!

Okay I think that's it for now.

There will be a cover at some point. It is pending right now.

I'm so excited to write this (hush yes I can still be excited to write it even though I don't know the direction yet asfjskdj)

Oh right I forgot there's gonna be a disconnet in author's notes because now I'm a keyboard smasher. I think I'll still be a "haha" person as long as I am on Wattpad, but there will probably be more keyboard smashes in my authors' notes.

I hope you enjoy this story! :)

Please, no homophobia, profanities (directed at Wattpad users), or hate in the comment section at all times.


~Your Beloved Author (who feels sooooo great writing this right now)

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