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In a dream within a dream, I found myself...

          amidst a gloomy forest deep where shadows waltz,

for I had strayed too far from paths of common place...

Yet fear ne'er found its dwelling within my breast,

          for the moon's full belly hung heavy and bathe the land,

offering me a beacon within the starless night.

And throughout the wood, clouds were lazy,

          and veiled the land with a light mist.

No bustling sounds, no clamor did I bear.

The woodland creatures hushed, save for the gentle breeze's song.

          My journey goes on in moonlight's tender hold,

Beneath the boughs of ancient trees, I trod.

So strange, I found this place to be,

          where shadows dance and silhouettes pace,

Caught in dusk's alluring embrace.

As I stroll along this gloomy forest deep,

         memories creep of past times and speaks,

of love and loss and all that my heart seeks.

Yet in the stillness of the forest embrace,

            I find solace amongst this dark expanse.

And lay my toils down at the woodland edge.

Death is of the flesh,

          And life...

Of the incomprehensible 

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