Who are you..?

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(Leafy's pov)

I take the pair of hands off my eyes and turn back quickly, but no one was there...I kept looking around, nothing!  I jump to hear a loud muffled giggle I turn back to he a floating black figure...I think it was an object? He had white round eyes and it looked like it had a few points in n his head? I couldn't really make out of what the object was since it was just a black silhouette. I step closer to him and he begins to giggle again! I guess his just a fan of giggling? I don't know. He stops floating asome the air as he falls down and grows some legs "whoa!!!" I yelled surprised. He walks closer to me his face inches away from mine, I slightly blush as he pokes the middle of my face, he floats back up laughing? I don't know why his laughing to much, I guess he likes to play? "Uh...if you don't mind me asking what's your name, and what is this place?" *he stops giggling and jumps back down growing his legs again. ?: "me? well...my name is firey!!!" He smiles softly as he grabs my hands, I blush slightly again, no one has ever touched my hands, not even Ruby!!! "O-oh! Nice to meet you firey, uh my name is leafy"
Firey: "nice to meet you leafy!!..." he gets closer again and whispers to me...I couldn't make out the words but I think he said something about watching?! he then disappears, I look around again but I don't see anything just the necklace on the floor...After I could her screaming? And it was getting louder...it kinda sounded like...RUBY!!
I try my best to wake up but I can't! Finally I wake up, I slowly open my eyes and look down, I see Ruby crying and pushing me away, more my right hand, I look over to it and I was holding a knife!? I quickly drop it and back away at the edge of her bed, I hug my knees tightly, why was I holding a knife?? I was I shaking?? And who was that?? And why- I felt someone rub my back...it was Ruby, she was wiping her tears away as she looked at me worriedly, I look up at her with teary eyes, "w-what happened?? Why was I holding a knife??"  I asked Ruby

(Ruby's pov)

I was sleeping on my bed when leafy opened my door and walked over to my bed, I slowly wake up her eyes where like purple with blue swirls in them. Ruby: "leafy?...what are-" she pins me down on my bed as he hold up a knife, he was about to swing when I grip he hand trying to push her away. Ruby: "leafy!!! What are you doing!!! Stop!!! Please!!" I kept calling out her name but she didn't listen! I kept pushing away but she wouldn't budge!!! I started to cry, why was leafy holding a knife!?? And why was she trying to kill me??? She then closes her eyes as she calms down a bit, she opens them back up, she looks over to the knife she was holding and drops it as she moves back. She was hugging her knees as tears formed in her eyes, I then noticed, they weren't purple anymore! I slowly approached her and rub her back smiling softly
"are you okay leafy?..." she nods as she opens her mouths leafy: "I should be asking you that..." she the looks away "no, its okay leafy! I'm fine...I just- why were you holding a knife?" Leafy looks up at me nervously Leafy: "I-i don't know..."
"Are you sure??..."
Leafy: "yes!" She snapped, I look at her surprised why was she so suddenly angry?... I continued to rub her back comforting her, she was still sobbing slightly but we soon started to talk about what happened. She said she didn't know why she had a knife but I think she's leaving some things out...

Leafy's pov

Ruby was still rubbing my back and comforting me, but I should be the one comforting her! This must of been ever traumatizing for her! But...I didn't say anything I was to afraid...I don't know why?...I just was, well actually it was probably because I had a feeling someone was watching us....I don't know who but I had a feeling it was that firey dude....

(In the morning)

(Leafy's pov)

I woke up in ruby's room, I guess I probably fell asleep while Ruby was comforting me. I got off the bed and walked over to the kitchen, I saw Ruby eating cereal. "Morning Ruby"
Ruby: good morning leafy!!" She smiled, I still don't get how she can still be positive even after last night...*sigh* it's fine I guess...I walk over to the cupboards and grab myself a bowl. After I grabbed it I could hear voices, some where loud and some where quiet, but it was making me head hurt!!! I drop the bowl and fall to the ground rolling a bit, I get on my knees and hold my head, little drops of tears where rolling down my face, I heard Ruby drop her spoon. She runs off to me and holds me tight.

Ruby's pov

As leafy drops to the floor I drop my spoon and run over to her, I get down onto my knees and hold her tight, what's wrong with you leafy??...

I tried making this longer...I don't know if I did that, I also don't know why this took me so long? Words 957

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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