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"I love him, Dad."

Jin's eyes widen at your sudden confession but he stayed calm.

"What about him? Does he love you too?" He ask again. You look at him without answering and Jin got his answer just like that.

"I don't know, Dad. I don't know anything about him. What he thinks, what's on his mind or what he's doing. His favourite food, what he likes to do on his free time or whether he likes a woman like me. I don't know anything." You vent out slowly leaning your head on Jin's shoulder as he hug you and rub your arm to give comfort.

"It's obvious that you don't know anything about him, Y/n." You look at him while he stayed looking forward.

"When your Mom and I first started dating I also didn't know anything about her. I'm sure there were things that I still didn't know when she passed away. I believe there are bonds where secrets are kept from their partners and it's impossible to fully know your partner. There will be some memories they would not want to share with you. Whether it is out of fear or just because, you must be patient with them. Knowing each other is a slow process, now that you're living together I'm sure you'll get to know him better bit by bit. All you have to do is be patient."

After that you continued packing your things as Jin helped you. What he said helped you alot, you were feeling a lot more lighter and free to breath. By evening all your things were pack and ready to shift.

"I think you should stay the night, it's already late and by the time you reach there it'll be dark. It's dangerous to drive alone at dark." Jin tried to convince you again.

"Thanks Dad but Manjirou will be lonely in that big cold house. You don't have to worry, I can take care of myself." You gave him a smile and a hug.

"Take care of yourself, I'll visit again. Goodnight Dad, I love you."

"Yeah I will, so you must too. I love you too, Honey." He peck the crown of your head. Waving at him one last time you got in your car and drive the way to your now home.


You were halfway there, the soft music playing on the stereo, it's just you were not listening. Something was wrong, sweats were trickling down your forehead and your hands and legs were shaking. Before you were not so sure but now you're sure as hell. Someone's following you or more like the car behind you had been following you around. Ofcourse you're not dumb to assume anything but the car behind has taken the same turn as you three times and now you're freaking out.

Taking deep breaths you try to calm down and step on the accelerator pedal, the unknown car also speed up making you almost shake in fear, if the way you're shaking now was not enough. You look at the rear mirror and saw the car take a different turn than yours. Stopping the car after driving a little far away you breath in a long breath to not faint yourself from the lack of oxygen in your system.

Your breaths were short and ragged, a bucket of sweats on your body and the way the wind gave you goosebumps was grosser than anything. After getting back the nerve and sense to drive and not stop in the middle of the road you drive home.

When you got in Mikey was already there sitting on the couch. Not only him but Draken's also with him. Hearing footsteps the two lift their heads and saw the lingering fear on your face. The two male exchange a look while you pass by them and went straight to bedroom.

"You should check on her, Mikey."

Mikey turn to Draken with furrowed eyebrows,


Draken sigh out at Mikey's reply, before he can explain, Mikey stood up and went to the direction you went.

"Though you say why, your expression says otherwise."

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