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Jin came home early today as work was not that much and he also wanted to rest his mind.

Did Y/n got the job?

Jin don't want his daughter to work. He can just work and put his incomes in his savings to use in the future. He don't want his precious daughter to work her ass off everyday and be in unnecessary stress. He tried talking to her about it but she denied before he even spoke. Saying something like

I'm an independent woman and I want to take care of you. If I would not make money then the hard work you put to pay for my fees will be in vain....

And blablabla.... Jin chuckle at the memory feeling proud that his daughter has grown into a fine young woman. He went to the kitchen to cook something before Y/n comes home when the doorbell rang. He walk to the front door and open it to only freeze afterwards.


"Long time no see Mr. Sakurai!" The ravenette said with a smile on his face. Behind him a woman and a man he clearly remember was staring back at him.

I can't keep running away, huh?

Jin open the door wider for them to enter the house. He leads them to the living room as the three sat down on the long couch and he sat down on the single couch across them.

"Loosen up Mr. Sakurai we came for an important matter." Shinichiro said as he lights up a ciggerate.

"Important matter?"

"Yup! Izana if you will." Shinichiro seemed quite excited and it didn't sit well with him.

"Let's get straight to the point. We have business with your daughter Y/n Sakurai." Izana said with his stoic voice as Jin sat there with widen eyes trying to register what the white haired man said.

" daughter?" He was sure that not many know about his personal life but he was not surprised that they know. Who was he kidding? The men sitting infront of him are from mafia, information gathering is a piece of cake for them.

"After your wife's death you asked help from us. Since we helped you in your worse moment now it's your turn to return the favor. Don't forget what you did back then gave us many problems." Izana says his eyes narrowing.

"Then, why does my daughter comes in this matter when she has nothing to do with you all. If you have something against me then I'll take responsibility. Don't bring up my daughter!" Jin don't understand what the man was trying to say. He did work for them during a phase and leaving the work was hard as they don't just allow you to leave unless there's a valid reason.

"Izana." Shinichiro said in a warning tone as Izana tsk'ed and rolled his eyes.

"I want your daughter to marry our brother Mr. Sakurai, so even if you say you will take responsibility I can't marry my brother off to you. But before you refuse. It is beneficial for both of us. First, he will stop giving you problems. Second, your daughter can live her life full of luxury, comfortably and stress free. I heard that she's finding jobs. She can just stay with us, she doesn't have to sweat a bit and ofcourse if she marry my brother you'll be part of the family so money will not be a problem and anything else. And also don't worry your daughter will be treated the right way."

Shinichiro explained his smile not wavering as he took breaths of his ciggerate in between.

"What would you gain by marrying my daughter off to your brother?" Jin was not convinced that they wouldn't just sold off his daughter or bully her daughter if he agrees. He didn't felt right, he can feel his insides twisting and turning as if they will come out his mouth any second.

"You see...being a targeted person is a pain in the ass. Ofcourse I'm talking about my brother since I'm an innocent citizen." Shinichiro stated as he blow out the smoke from his mouth and if Jin were alone he would have roll his eyes.

"Since everyone is afraid of my brother no girl approaches him except the sluts in the clubs and gold diggera." Emma spoke for the first time her tone low on the last sentence. Jin look over at the girl and saw a wedding ring in her fourth finger.

"He's getting past his dating age and marriage age. I have seen your daughter's picture. She's beautiful and also very cute. She looks kind and warm so I want her to join our family." Emma exclaimed with a bright smile on her face.

"Why my daughter? Why my daughter of all the other fathers out there. How can I let her marry a dangerous man when I know she can get hurt if she marries him. The world you all live in is very dangerous for my daughter and you want me to agree even after knowing this? " Jin said feeling like the world was laughing at him for his misfortune as he lowered his head.

"Ofcourse we know that. That's the reason the wedding will be a secret from the outside world. Your daughter doesn't have to know that Mikey is a mafia then there will be no problems. They will have a happy life if some things are kept secret." Shinichiro said as he gave a reassuring smile towards Jin.

"You don't have a choice but to agree. Today we have come to negotiate nicely maybe tomorrow it won't be this peaceful." Izana mumbled as he lean back on the couch, his gaze piercing like a knife in the butt.

"I'll talk to my daughter then only I can give you my answer." Jin sigh he himself not knowing what he was saying.

Shinichiro and Emma smiled at each other as Izana relax his stoic face.


Your eyes went wide hearing your father explain what happened earlier today, how the Santos came and asked for her hand in marriage.

"Honey, the decision is all yours. I won't force you to agree and if you don't want to I'll deny the marriage proposal right now." Your dad says with furrowed eyebrows.

"First of all, I didn't knew you work for them. Today's the first I'm hearing of it." You said asking for explanation.

"Yes, I did work for them but it was for a small fraction of time. The company's pay is nice." Jin explained with a nervous smile, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Alright....but I want to meet my partner first then I'll decide." You smiled softly at your father who smiled back a tight one.

"Y/n there's nothing to rush you can think about it slowly." Your father said as he cups your face.

"I'm not rushing Dad. I think it will be good to meet him first and if I don't like him then I can reject him. Simple." You whispered as you peck your father's temper.

"And I know you only want the best for me." You mumbled standing up and walking to your room.


A man with white hair and dull obsidian eyes stare at the lively city below him as the wind blew his hair. He is wearing a black t-shirt and a black pant with sandals. A photo of a girl is in his hands as he stares at it.

I can feel a headache coming.

He turn his body around and walk to a figure much taller than him.

"Finalize the deal and call for a meeting." He says while lighting up a ciggerate. After taking a few puff of smokes he speaks again,

"Do a check on her. I want every single information about this person, don't leave out anything, even the slightest thing."

The man standing behind gives a positive answer and walks out leaving the shorter there.

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