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The cafe was bustling with people. The chime ringing continuosly due to the amount of people going in and out. The cafe staff having a hard time dealing with the large number of customers.

This kind of days are what you feel happy and proud about but also tired. You took a plate of pastries to serve the customers when you crash into someone resulting the cream of the pastries to be smeared on an expensive looking coat.

"Oh my...! Shit! I'm so sorry!" You kept apologising, bowing your head multiple times, not even taking a look at the victim's face.

"It's fine. Really." You lifted your head hearing the deep voice.

The man is handsome. That's the first thought you had making you red. He have white hair with green emerald eyes which reminds you of Chifuyu. He was wearing glasses and had an office attire on.

You snap back to reality when he cough a little. A blush spread across your face when you realised you were staring. You called one of the staff to clean up the floor.

"I'm so sorry! Let me clean it for you." You bowed again but stopped when he said something again.

"It's fine. It's just the coat so please stop bowing. It's kind of embarassing." You look up at him and searched for any lies or anger towards you. You sighed in relief when he was smiling gently.

"But....your coat looks expensive. If there's anything I can do to make it up you can tell me or I can dry clean it for you." You whispered still worried about his cream coat. The man chuckled and your heart pounded loudly hearing his deep chuckle. You stare at him in confusion with your tilted head.

"You are cute. When does your shift end?" You were confuse about the weird question but answered anyway.


The man's face brighten up as his grin widen.

"Then how about you come with me to a nearby restaurant. You know to make up for my clothes?" It is unexpected and very unusual.

Normally you would refuse this kinds of meetings or going out with a stranger you barely know but you were feeling guilty for ruining his clothes. It was your fault afterall.

"But there's still time till my shift is over." You muttered still unsure whether to go with him or not. He looks like a kind gentleman.

"I can wait for you." The man said without any hesitation.

"Well there's only 30 minutes left for 1pm so I can wait." The man said again with a small grin.

"If it won't bother you then." You whispered as the man nodded and told you to focus on your work and went out to change his clothes.

You look around to see every single person looking at you. You smiled awkwardly and went away after bowing a couple of times. You went to the kitchen to apologise but they didn't even mind saying this kinds of accidents happen when the cafe is busy.


"Once again I apologise for my clumsiness." You muttered with your head down not wanting to show your embarrassed face to the man sitting in front of you.

"It's fine, you don't have to apologise so many times." The man across gave you a reassuring smile as you nodded releasing a breathe to calm down.

"Well then, let me introduce myself. I am Yoshikawa Kou. I mostly go by Kai though." The man said smiling widely, his dimples visible as he reach out his hand for you to shake.

"I'm Y/n. Y/n Sakurai." You whispered as the man now known as 'Kou' gave you a gentle smile. But paused when something came into your mind.

"By Yoshikawa you mean the Yoshikawa?" You asked as your eyes widened when you saw him nodding his head with a light smirk on his soft lips.

Did I got myself in some serious trouble?

You asked yourself as you shifted in your seat a little.

The Yoshikawa Company are very famous as one of the most successful businesses in Japan and on the process of spreading it in foreign countries. You have read a few articles about them and to tell you they have companies and industries all around Japan. You have also heard that the CEO is a young man with no other family around. Which means the one sitting in front of you is the possible young CEO. Now you feel more guilty.

"There's nothing to worry about. Don't let my status bother you." As if reading your mind Kou said as you send him a grateful nod.

"Would you like something? It's on me." He again said again with his polite tone as you hesitated a bit.

"I can pay for myself. You don't have to, you know? And this is to makeup for the mess I made." You muttered as the white haired man chuckled. Even his chuckle is attractive.

"Like I said there's nothing to worry about. You don't have to be so stiff Sakurai-san." He exclaimed and you just nodded your head.

You opened up to him a little and talking to him was kinda fun. He was nothing like you imagined. He was kind, polite, funny and a gentleman. He was high in status but his legs were still on the ground.

"Thank you for your time." You said bowing to him as he bowed back.

"No no. It was nice having a company." Kou said giving a soft smile which you return back.

"Here. Someday if you need my help or anything, use this card." He exclaimed giving you a golden card with 'Yoshikawa Company' and his name written in calligraphy. You take the card from his hand seeing his closed eyed smile, knowing you'll feel guilty if you didn't receive his kindness.

"Thank you." You whispered softly taking the card in your hands as he said his farewell and get in on his car. Your eyes linger for a moment as you tear your eyes away from him and went to your car.


I think I just made a friend.

You thought clutching the car wheel tightly. Shaking your head you look forward to focus on the road.

The wedding was just around the corner and the date of your ready wedding dress was two days away. You still can't believe that you were going to get married soon and to a man you barely know. But you were trusting your father's choice so it should be fine. You always say that to yourself.

As you were driving silently, you got startled when your phone rang out. Checking the caller ID you connect it to the car Bluetooth to not have problem while driving.

"Hey Y/n." Emma said from the other side greeting you as energetic as always.

"Hey Emma." You greeted her back with a wide grin on your face.

Emma: "Are you busy?"

"Not really." You replied a hearing a 'yes' from Emma.

Emma: "Come to my house. The girls are all coming."

"Alright. Reaching in 5 minutes." You said knowing that agreeing to her was your only choice.

Emma: "Well then. Take care I'm waiting."

Emma hang up the call as you take a U-turn. You were excited to meet the girls again so you speed up a little eager to reach at the Ryuguji Residence.

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