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After the duets (which was boring), Vel left.

Victoria: Dear god...

All of a sudden, there is a knock on the door

Victoria: dammit... who's there?

A voice calls out from behind the door.

The voice: My name is Angel Dust

Victoria: Like the porn star?

Angel dust: uh... yeah

Victoria pauses

Victoria: Why should I open the door?

Angel dust: because you can?

Victoria: And if I don't open the door?

Angel dust: uh... I'll uh...

Victoria: I thought so.

Angel dust: erm... goodbye then...

Victoria: Wait! I was joking!

Victoria quickly opens the door, and she is met with angel dust

Angel dust was beaten and a bit bloody

Victoria: Oh good god, what the hell happened?!

Angel dust: erm...

Victoria rushes him inside

Victoria: To be honest, you kinda look like a girl...

Angel dust: I know.

Victoria quickly gets him seated on the couch

Victoria: So... why go to a strangers house for help?

Angel dust: Well, alastor told us about you...

Victoria: So you tracked me down?

Angel dust: er... I guess

Victoria: ...I'm not gonna say I'm pleased, but I'm not disappointed.

Angel dust: So... how are you able to be more powerful than alastor?

Victoria laughed

Victoria: it's quite easy.

Angel dust: really?! How?

Victoria: Because I can control time, so I can pause time, fast forward to see his attacks, then I know how to win each fight

Angel dust goes agape

Angel dust: How the hell did you get that strong?!

Victoria: I guess it's natural?

Angel dust: But how?!

Victoria: I'm smart. Just don't ask me math. I suck at that.

Angel dust: like... how bad?

Victoria: ...we don't talk about it

Angel dust: ok?

Victoria gets a first aid kit

Victoria: show me the wound or wounds.

Angel dust shows her one on his arm and then one on his stomach

Victoria starts to clean the wounds with alcohol wipes

Angel dust: ow! Why does it burn so bad?!

Victoria: part of the process.

Angel dust: Well, it hurts!

Victoria: ok, I don't really care that it hurts.

Victoria eventually finishes cleaning the wounds

Victoria: Well, these wounds should heal in no time, just need to...

Victoria wraps each wound in a bandage

Angel dust: thanks...

Victoria: You're welcome

380 words!! This is the longest chapter (so far!) Sorry for not updating! I've been busy with writers block.

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝓭𝓮𝓶𝓸𝓷Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora