Natural Enemies

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"Dude," Stan Started, "What the fuck?"

Kenny shrugged. They started walking to their next class.

~* At Lunch *~

Y/n sat with Clyde, Jimmy, Craig, Tweek, and Tolkien at lunch. She was absently pushing the food around on her tray, thinking about what had happened in Economics. She hadn't really talked to Stan and his friends since middle school. Y/n was conflicted, she missed the four of them so much, but it didn't really seem like they missed her. Except Cartman, of course. He was the only one that tried to rekindle their friendship.

"-n? Hello! Earth to y/n!" Tolkien was waving his hand in front of her face from across the table. She put her fork down with a small sigh.

"Yeah? Sorry, I'm really tired." She didn't want to tell the whole story, in fact, she didn't even want to think about it anymore. She wished she could just erase the entire memory from her brain.

"I said 'how was your summer?'" He flashed her a grin, knowing how often she gets lost in her own thoughts.

She smiled back, glad he didn't ask what she was thinking so hard about. "Oh, it was good. I can drive now! Well, legally, I mean." She giggled at that, recalling a time she tried to drive a golf cart and almost steered it right into a pond.

A couple of the other boys at the table overheard the conversation and congratulated y/n.

"Y/n DD, confirmed." Clyde said, giving her puppy eyes. She rolled hers in response.

"I don't know, Clyde. You know I don't really come to you guys' gatherings." A slight shiver ran through her body. Last time she went to one of Clyde and Tolkien's parties, one kid almost fell into the bonfire. That was the same night Stan and Wendy broke up for good, she moved away after that. "Not after last time."

Everyone went quiet. They weren't concerned about the kid that almost fell into the fire, they were actually kind of worried about Stan. As much as they rip on each other's groups, they all grew up together and care about each other. Ever since Wendy left, Stan started to spiral a bit. Wendy was the main reason he actually tried in school, and now she's gone. He barely does well enough to stay in sports, and that's only because his friends play, too.

The lunch bell rang, dismissing everyone to their next class. Y/n grabbed the foam tray in front of her and took it to the trash can a few feet away, discarding most of her lunch. She decided she would just eat a snack when she got home. As she was walking out of the cafeteria, she collided with another person. They both stumbled back a couple steps.

"I'm so s-" A male voice started speaking, but was cut off.

"I'm sorry! I wasn't paying attention!" Y/n looked at the ground, embarrassed. She slowly looked up at the person in front of her, a breath catching in her throat upon seeing his face. It was Kyle. His forest green eyes glared down at her; he was radiating irritation. Y/n froze in place, her mouth falling slightly open in surprise. She looked straight into his eyes.

Kyle furrowed his brows. Of course he would run into her, of all people. He sighed, gently grabbing her shoulders and moving past her. "It's fine." He mumbled, brushing past y/n and continuing the walk to class.

Y/n shook her head, trying to clear the shock and embarrassment from her mind. She couldn't believe that just happened. She also couldn't believe he just scooted her out of the way like that. "Who does he think he is?" She thought, scrunching her nose and turning around to walk to class.

~* Time Skip - End of the Day *~

The final bell rang, and the entire school breathed a sigh of relief. Most of the students and faculty would agree that today had been too stressful for a first day back. Students made their way to the exit doors, boarding their buses or getting into vehicles to go home and forget all about today. Some students stayed to hang around outside the building and catch up with friends they didn't have classes with.

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