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Hello everyone, I'm tinyyweirdo but you can just call me tiny. We are gathered here today to see how much better my writing is now that I've graduated from college. The last time I wrote a story like this was somewhere in the 2017-2019 range, so I hope I've improved enough to be somewhat proud of what I'm about to create.

I just want to go over some introductions to the characters and give you a basic idea of what I have planned for this. It's nothing crazy, just your typical high school enemies to lovers story. However, I don't want to include some of the things I keep seeing over and over in these fics, so here's a list of what you WON'T find here:
- House Parties
- Bebe being a bitch
- Cartman being the worst person alive
- Y/n having no parents/absent parents
- Y/n always being described with a perfect body and everyone crushing on her
- Spin the Bottle, Truth or Dare, etc.

I don't really care for those particular circumstances, so I'd rather not write about them. I guess you could say I'm writing this more for myself, tee hee!
Anyway, let's go over some personality things I have in mind. Some of the guys might seem a little OOC but what's the fun in every story being the exact same, right?

KYLE - Kyle went through enough shit as a kid, he's decided to adopt a "do no harm but take no shit" attitude. In other words, he's learned to mind his business and stay away from most people. He's polite when he needs to be, but it stops there. Except with his best friends, Stan, Eric, and Kenny, of course. His friends mean the world to him and he would do absolutely anything to keep them happy... but not without fake complaining the whole time. When it comes to y/n, Kyle isn't sure what to do. She used to hang out with them occasionally in middle school, but once Kyle decided it was him against the world, it pushed her away and she chose her other friends more often. Eventually she stopped coming around Kyle's group altogether, opting to keep up with them on social media and in the few classes she had with any of them. The guilt of knowing he pushed her away made him behave coldly toward her, slowly making himself believe he hated her. Kyle's behavior in relationships will be a certified lover boy in the streets, caring dom in the sheets.

ERIC - Eric will admit he was an absolute terror to be around when he was younger. He knows he had issues and has been trying to make up for them for years now. While he can still be a little superstitious and harsh, he has accepted that not everything can be his way. This is partly due to almost losing his only friends multiple times in the past, leading him to develop attachment issues and a fear of abandonment. When y/n started drifting from the group, he was desperately trying to convince her to stay. He couldn't stand seeing his only friends falling apart, especially when it wasn't his fault this time. He stayed in contact with y/n over the years, mostly just catching up in class or playing video games together. He's proud of how far he's come with his mental health. Looking back, it's all thanks to his Mom for being supportive of him no matter what.

Y/N - Y/n has always been a little quieter than her peers. She typically doesn't get herself involved in any crazy adventures or small-town drama. Those that don't know her would even say she hates people. Y/n will only ever hate one person in her life - Kyle Broflovski. As kids, y/n and Kyle were friends. Until Kyle's... revelation, that is. He decided he was better off doing things on his own and staying out of anything that sounded like it might turn into even the slightest bit of drama. Y/n, being the very definition of "overthinker," blamed herself for his sudden distance and decided that all four of the boys were better off without her hanging around. She was always the type to take on everyone else's problems, so when Kyle stopped trusting her with his, she assumed the worst. She stayed friends with Eric, but mostly watched the others' lives through social media and the occasional classroom conversation. Over time she began to resent Kyle for pushing her away; she hated him for not needing her anymore. But deep down, she missed the boys and their shenanigans. Y/n's behavior in relationships is a playful bully in the streets, switch/bratty sub in the sheets.

STAN - Stan had it rough as a kid. His sister was always bullying him, his dad was always... well, being himself, and don't even get him started on his grandpa. It felt like his mom was really the only sane person in the household - other than him, of course. Things changed when his grandpa passed. He faked a smile to everyone else, but when he was alone things got scary. He started sneaking drinks when his parents were asleep, comforted by the fuzzy warmth in his chest when he'd had enough. It made the numbness go away for a little while. Nobody knew except him; it was his own little secret, his own ritual to bring peace. Until he drunk texted Wendy and ruined everything. After that, he clung to his friends like they were his lifeline. He was always hanging out with someone, never giving himself time to stop and think. Y/n helped a lot with that. At first Stan thought that maybe she would save him - pull him out of the colorless world he'd gotten used to. He quickly discovered that was not the case, choosing to repress that feeling, but forever making himself a little awkward when she was around. Stan has since forgotten how to love, settling for finding satisfaction in making his friends happy and his mom proud.

KENNY - Kenny has always known what people think of him. He always saw the other kids looking at him and whispering, some of them even pointing fingers to make sure he saw them. He decided that if he didn't have money, he could make up for it in other ways. Girls were always drawn to him like moths to a flame. Guys wanted to be around him in hopes that some of the girls would notice them, too. He always acted so careless about everything, just laughing off insults and deflecting anything he felt would get too personal. He didn't want people to know it was all an act. Deep down, Kenny really cared about what people thought of him. He cared about all the shit they said about his family being trashy and poor. The only people that didn't talk bad about him were his closest friends, Stan, Kyle, and Eric. Well, Eric ripped on him when they were kids, but he's recently had a change of heart. He was happy to find out that like his friends, y/n didn't see him as some lowlife from a dysfunctional home. She just saw him as a person, and he appreciated that. He could go to her house without her parents accusing him of trying to steal things when they weren't paying attention. When y/n started drifting away, he didn't know how to reach out. He continued talking to her at school, but he didn't want to pry if she didn't want to talk.

With the main group out of the way, I'd like to keep the rest of the characters pretty much the same as their usual selves. Clyde's a charming crybaby, Tweek is... Tweek, Craig gives zero fucks, the girls are just typical teenage girls, etc.

I can't wait to get into this story. It's been such a long time since I wrote anything just for fun, and recently getting back into reading fanfic has really inspired me! I hope you guys enjoy, and I 100% welcome any and all feedback!

See you in chapter one~!

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