Four days until the big reveal.

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There are going to be a few time skips between these next few chapters, just a warning!!


Maggie and Sam are currently at Lena's house since the dresses arrived so they could check them out. Since Nia was not at her house when Lena ordered the dresses, she requested for Nia to text her what she wanted.

Nia had requested for a light grey satin mixed dress with swirly dark designs towards the bottom and chiffon style shoulder straps. She got a silver glitter mask with white feathers and dark grey pendant stones on it, she has also got inched high heels that are white to go with it.

And since the dresses came in, the girls slash Lena, Maggie, and Sam, were trying them on. Alex and Nia were coming sooner later because they went to pick up the other supplies they had purchased, they were also stopping to give James some invitations to pass out to his college friends. Brainy was going to come in the following day to start up all the tech.

Lena also invited a billionaire, like her, that her family had known. He's more of a playboy and he's in college, but he used to be good friends with Lena, that man was Oliver queen. When Oliver Rsvp'ed back, he also had mentioned he was going to bring his sister, girlfriend, and a few of his other friends. Lena was very glad about this because that means they will already have a decent amount of people coming.

Lena looked up from her phone to Sam that was exiting the bathroom in her outfit first. Lena and Maggie were going to try theirs after.

"Oh my god Samantha Arias. You look fucking gorgeous! I would kiss you!! I mean if you weren't my best friend. But, I'm glad the dress is perfect on you!! Come here let me see it with the mask." Lena says, reaching across the bed to grab the purple mask Sam had gotten. There were also elbow length gloves that came with the dress, but Sam was still procrastinating if she would wear them or not.

Sam quickly lifted the dress that perfectly fit her oblique area so she could scurry to grab the mask. Once she did, she backed up, put the mask on, and did a little twirl.

"Damn, Arias! If I weren't dating big Danvers right now, I'd defo go for you, lookin real hot for real even without your hair and makeup done!!" Maggie said, smirking while Sam blushed at the compliment even though she knew it was a tease.

"Okay guys, now I'm really excited to see your dresses!! Get up and go change one of you!!" Sam yelled, pointing towards both of them.

"And why aren't you going to change back so the dress doesn't get ruined?" Lena questioned.

"Oh, I just wanna take a picture with my lady friends, sorry, HOT ladies." Sam smirked, putting her hands on her hips, "so hurry if you don't want my dress to be ruined!!" She exclaimed once more.

"Okay okay!! Calm down, I'll go next I guess." Maggie said, grabbing her dress and rushing towards the bathroom.

While Maggie changed in the bathroom, the other two girls decided to go on their phones.

Lena decided to text Kara because she didn't really have anything else to look at.

The issue of the whole Maggie's car thing was resolved since Kara believed what Lena, slash the unknown number had said, so thankfully none of their plan was ruined.

Unknown number: hi darling.

Lena didn't have to wait much before the number replied.

Kara: HIII!!! ☺️☺️

Unknown number: Well aren't you happy, what have you been doing?

Kara: well of course I'm happy, the stuff you sent me last night has boosted my mood up the whole day!! Not even my boyfriend has made me this happy!!

||A planned arrangement|| (SUPERCORP AU)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें