And the texts go on..

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Since Lena had finally came out of the hospital, she had to go back to school. For the rest of the week she had to be there for, which was Thursday and Friday, Lena had been avoiding Kara. She tried ignoring Kara on Thursday, then switched her seat with another girl on Friday so Lena could resist Kara's sad and cloudy eyes. It made have made both her and Kara more, but Lena knew that in a few weeks, this would all be over, Lena wouldn't have to put on this sort of act that had been plastered into her head anymore.

Even though Lena avoided Kara, she still had kept in contact with other people, like Sam, Maggie, Nia, and Alex. Alex may be Kara's sister, but she's almost like this supposed FBI agent, keeping secrets from the world, well in this case she was keeping secrets from Kara, which was super hard to do since Alex knew that Kara would always find out other peoples secrets. Each time Lena would meet Alex, she would always thank her considering the pressure she is putting on her, and Alex would always thank her back because of how she let her be apart of the plan despite being so close to the person they are all keeping their secrets from.

Since it was Saturday, Lena had practically nothing to do besides sitting in her house, she was going to meet up with Maggie, Sam, and Alex on Sunday to figure out an exact date so they could plan the 'party' ahead of time. Nia could not come because her cousins were coming over for the weekend, it was a long weekend, they had Monday off. Lena had also known about the game night Kara and her friends were having at her house because Alex had told her.

Currently, Lena was just laying on her bed, scrolling through Kara's social medias (Stalker much, huh?) before she decides to actually check up on Kara by texting her.

Unknown number: Hey there sweetheart.

It took a few minutes before Kara realized that she had received a text. She was also currently laying on her bed before she decided to get up for later. She looked at the text with a confused, but sweet smile on her face. Kara thought about why could this person possibly be using pet names on her, she guesses that its just one really cool secret admirer. She looked at the text once more before replying,

Kara: Hey there!!! :)

Lena starts to smile again exactly like she did Wednesday night, from ear to ear, because of the way Kara would greet her with a  smiley face.

unknown number: So, how was your day?

Kara: Why does it always have to be about me. Tell me more about you. Let's start with, how was YOUR day?

Lena smiles at how caring Kara is even though she doesn't know who's behind the other screen.

unknown number: Fine, I'm doing well. What do you even want to know about me?

Kara: Likeee favorite movie(s), shows?? Fooooooooood??

unknown number: And of course you would say food. Well, my favorite movie is Titanic, show.. I don't really have a favorite show, and I like salads.

Kara: Oh my goddd, titanic is awesome, such a classic!!! And, maybe i can recommend you some shows? And you sounds just like someone I know with the whole salad thing, salads are so bad!!! Especially KALE!!

Kara is scrunching her face behind screen,

unknown number: Hey!! Kale is good, I agree with that person.

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