Update/bffr with yall

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Hi to anyone who's read this and has been waiting for an update. I'm so so so sorry that I haven't found the motivation to finish this story. I had a pretty good idea where I wanted it to go but I only really planned it to Aziraphale getting kidnapped and Crowley getting his memories back.

I want to ask your all's option on something. I don't want to keep leaving you all high and dry any longer. Please comment and vote on if you'd like me to dump the broad strokes for the rest of the plot or wait to see if I ever get around to finishing it. The chance of me actually finishing it is pretty low tho.

I have been writing again! I'm working on another good omens fic but I'm not going to release it until I'm finished so this doesn't happen again. Once again I'm sorry.

Well it's April 23rd today so I'll let you guys vote and on May 1st I'll tally it up. Please just vote either "dump plot" or "wait and see"

Thanks guys and again I apologize

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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