Tony Crowley

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Anthony Crowley, Tony to his friends, started working at St. James Bentley almost 5 months ago. It was a miracle that he got the job but he's proven himself to be an amazing salesman. Most weeks Tony doubles the sales of the second leading associate and because of him the lot has begun to carry more high-end cars. The opinion on him around the workplace is mixed. There are employees who think he's the greatest while others think he's a total ass.

It's a Thursday afternoon and the dealership just closed. Crowley and his friends, Conrad and Rory, made plans to go out. They aren't so much plans as expectations, since the trio goes out most evenings.

Rory holds the door open, "come on! Let's try something new. Elena was telling me this place has the best burgers." He's mostly trying to convince Conrad, "not the best burgers for a pub. The best in general," he stresses.

Conrad looks back to his friend as they walk toward the employee section of the lot. "Yeah but remember last time we tried a different pub? The drinks were measly and the food was disgusting." He leans on the roof of his car, "everyone loves Hyde's. It's like a 10 minute drive from here too."

Rory isn't ready to give up yet, "you just want to hit on Harper," he argues. "What's your take, Tony? I know your bored of Hyde's by now," he looks to Crowley.

Crowley drums his fingers on the roof of his Bentley, "er- well Hyde's is right there." Rory gives a disappointed look. "We'll be off a bit earlier tomorrow, could try it then," he offers. The lads all agree that sounds fair.

Both Conrad and Rory act a fool revving their engines out of the dealership. If their boss, Mrs. Graham, was there they'd never have the guts to act that way. Crowley leaves last but somehow manages to get to the pub first. All 3 miraculously find parking spots next to each other right in front of the pub.

Rory pulls up last. Crowley and Conrad are already out of their cars waiting. Rory looks at his pal's car and says, "I still can't believe you bought a Toyota."

Conrad immediately takes offense. "That's a damn Supra! It's pretty much a Beamer," he yells.

Rory steps back with his hands in the air. He backs all the way off the curb and shrinks to the same height as Conrad. "Okay, okay. It's still a Toyota, though," he teases.

Conrad looks dumbfounded, "says the guy driving an A3, arguably the worse Audi ever," he gestures to the third car.

"It's still an Audi," Rory argues but he knows his short friend has a point. "But- but at least my car's from this century. Tony's-"

"Is a classic," Crowley interrupts sharply.

"Yeah, and his car's cherry. It's like 100 years old and still better than yours." Conrad just enjoys making fun of Rory. He looks over his shoulder to Crowley, "your car is ancient, though, mate."

Crowley shoots him a threatening glare, "oi! That's my baby you're talking about."

Rory throws his head back and groans, "oh come on, we talk about cars all day! Let's go."

The group orders their drinks but Conrad hangs back at the bar. Crowley wolf whistles to him and gives him a wink as he walks away. Rory just rolls his eyes.

"Told you he just wanted to chat up the barmaid," Rory says, taking his seat. Crowley whips his chair around and sits in it backwards. "I just don't understand why he hasn't asked her out yet or why he's so set on her. He's not a bad looking lad," he continues.

Crowley sips his whiskey, "well- I've-y'know I've talked with Harper and Amelia and she isn't into him like that. She likes him as a person."

"Why's she give him so much attention then?" Rory's broken into the peanuts. He cracks one on the table and pops the nut in his mouth, "hpmm?"

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