Chapter One

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"They're asking you back Ahsoka" Anakin held out his hand, "I'm asking you back." He opened his hand revealing Ahsoka's silka beads. Ahsoka let out a small gasp. Anakin looked at her with such hope and happiness etched into his face. Ahsoka tentatively reached out her hand. her thoughts were swirling in her head. A thousand voices whispered.

Walk away

Take it

They didn't believe you

What have they ever done for you


Take revenge


Ahsoka tried to shut her mind of all the voices, but they just kept going, weighing her down, telling her to go, to stay. Finally, she looked up at Anakin. She thought about what he might do if she left. and what about Rex and Padmé. What about all the clones in the 501st. Ahsoka then thought about herself. The Jedi Order, the Clone War, none of it had been her choice, but now that she was given the choice, could she really just walk away? Could she so easily turn her back on everything and everyone that she had ever known?

Ahsoka looked past Anakin at the Council. They had promised to knight her. This right here was the moment that she had been working to reach for her entire life. If she walked away now, it had been for nothing.

All of these thoughts swirled through her head in a matter of seconds before she felt her hand connect with Anakin's and she took the silka beads. Anakin's smile was enormous.

"Alright," Ahsoka said, "I'll stay." She looked past him and saw Obi Wan's smile, Master Plo's nod, Master Windu's expressionless face, and then Master Yoda's serene face that held a hint of a smile. Ahsoka smiled, she was home.


Padmé heard Anakin come in and ran to meet him. "Well," she demanded, "What happened?" Anakin smiled and said, "They invited her back in with an apology and the promise to knight her." Padmé smiled, "Thank goodness, I was so worried about her." Padmé sighed, "Although I'm worried about how this will affect her, she's lost so much trust in herself and her friends." Anakin nodded, "Only time will tell."


Ahsoka let the water run over her, soaking her all the way to the bone. She shivered slightly but she didn't get up. As soon as she had gotten back to her room she had gone straight to the fresher and sat down to let the water stream over her. As she sat, she forced herself to relieve every moment of the last few days. From her and Anakin's investigation, to Leta's death and her imprisonment, her escape into the lower levels, her partnership with Ventress, Barriss' attack, her capture and expulsion from the Jedi Order, all the way to her Republic trial and Barriss' arrest. Finally, she thought back to her decision in the council chamber. There had been a huge part of her that had wanted to just walk away and yet here she was.

Ahsoka's tears mixed with the fresh water as she thought about Barriss. They had been best friends for 2 years. In a lot of ways Barriss had been Ahsoka's only friend excluding Anakin, Obi Wan, and the 501st. Losing Barriss would have been hard, but feeling her betrayal was unbearable. Ahsoka wondered if Barriss had framed her on purpose or if she had simply been the most convenient choice.

To be honest, Ahsoka didn't know where to go from this point. Three days ago, the prospect of being knighted and given her own battalion would have thrilled her. She would have been so excited. But now, she just wanted everything to be back to normal.

5 days later

"By the right of the Council, by the will of the Force: Rise Ahsoka Tano, Knight of the Jedi Order." Master Plo's voice echoed in Ahsoka's mind. It had been 2 days since her knighting ceremony. Master Yoda promised to update her when her clone battalion arrives. But until then she was basically just hanging around. Anakin had offered to stay with her until she left but she told him to go ahead. Anakin was always restless whenever he was on Coruscant, and with everything that had happened it was even worse. He and the 501st had left earlier that morning. Ahsoka had gone to the hangar to see them off, but mostly to say goodbye to all the clones, especially Rex.

Earlier when she had dressed and hung her lightsaber on her belt, she had realized that she only had one of her blades. It was her shoto blade. The one that she had lost during her escape from the Republic prison. The clones had found it and given it to Anakin. Ahsoka missed her other blade. She had lost that one during her fight with Barriss. She was planning to go back to Illum and get another crystal, but she just hadn't been in the mood. She had pretty much sat around doing nothing for the last week.

Ahsoka was so lost in thought that it took 4 chimes to break her out of her stupor.

"Sorry, you can come in," she called. She wasn't surprised when Obi Wan walked in. "Ahsoka, how are you?" Ahsoka smiled, "I'm doing pretty good thanks," Obi wan returned her smile, "good, Master Yoda wishes to speak with you." "Okay, thanks, I'm on my way."

Ahsoka and Obi Wan left her room and walked through the halls in awkward silence until they got to the Council chamber. Once there, Obi Wan left her. "Ahsoka, good to see you it is, trust that you are recovering I do?" Ahsoka smiled internally. She had always found it funny the way Master Yoda talked, especially when she had been a youngling. "I am Master, thank you. I heard that you wished to speak with me." "Yes, heard I have come in a new battalion of clones has. Your battalion they shall be." Ahsoka couldn't hide the shock she felt. "Already, but Master Yoda, I only just became a knight, shouldn't I wait a little longer before commanding my own battalion?" "Ready, you are, much experience you have. The 821st battalion in your care will be."

Ahsoka sighed, she hadn't expected this. She was totally honored that Master Yoda thought she was ready but... she didn't think she could do it. Nevertheless, she had her orders, and she would follow them.

She gave a slight bow to Master Yoda and straightened up before saying, "Thank you Master Yoda, your faith in me is greatly appreciated and I shall do the best I can to lead my battalion."

Master Yoda smiled at her, "Know you are ready I do, become a great Jedi you have, need only confidence in yourself you do. Go you shall, claim your troops, know them you must, your brothers they are now."

Ahsoka bowed once more, "Thank you Master, I will." 

Hey guys, thank you so much for deciding to read my fanfic

This is my first one ever so please don't judge

I will generally try and have longer chapters just because I have a really full schedule with school and whatnot and probably won't be able to regularly update so...yeah

anyway please enjoy 

space kisses😊

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