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"Ms. Irene, good morning. Mr. Kim sent me to wake you up." the house helper said standing across my bed. "What about dad? what did he told you?" I asked with my eyes still closed.

I'm still so sleepy, what must be the problem. don't tell me they are calling for another early meeting.

"From what I know, they were calling an urgent meeting with the Parkview Holdings at eight thirty am sharp." she stated. "Noted, now get out."

Meeting with the Parkview Holdings, what does have to do with me. Why do I have to be there this early.

— time skip.

I woke up once again to my phone ringing and vibrating. I looked at it and it said mom.

"What, mom?" I asked. "Irene, you better be on the way here now. this is urgent" she stated with conviction. "Yes, I'm already on the car." I lied. "Well that's great. We'll see you in a while."

Fuck. I need to move fast.

I got up right away and took a bath.

Choosing my outfit had never been a problem since I know I always look good with whatever I wear. Today, I went for a formal look since it is a meeting with the Parks.

 Today, I went for a formal look since it is a meeting with the Parks

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

I then went straight to my garage choosing which car to use. I chose my pink Rolls-Royce and didn't even bother to call my driver since I was already near to being late.

I drove a fast as I can. it was already seven fifty-five, luckily our main office is just a fifteen minutes drive.

I arrived at eight twenty, making me ten minutes early.

"Irene, your earlier than usual." So-yeon, my older sister said. "I know." I shrugged. I went to my sit and put all my stuff down.

Mom, dad, and my two other sibling Sa-weon and Ji-hoon also arrived just right after me; so did the parks.

Mr. and Mrs. park was there joined with what looked like their children, a younger woman around her teenage years and a man who looked like around my age.

"Good day Mr. and Mrs. Kim" Mr. Park greeted my parents. "Good day to both of you too. shall we now start the meeting?" dad said while they all took their seats.

"So now, we are wanting to let you guys know that one from each family are getting married to each other." dad said.

My siblings and the other two child of Mr. and Mrs. park were shocked.

"What! is this some kind of joke? " So-yeon said. "No, daughter. this is important for our company. It will bring our companies more publicity plus the marriage would seal the deal between two companies. We need this to make both businesses be more successful than ever." mom stated while looking at each of us.

"So we decided who we would like to pick, and we chose one woman from the Kims and one male from the Parks." Mr. park said.

Shit, there's a chance that it would be me. Fuck.

"We chose you, Irene." mom said. "and you Jay, since your the only son."

what! that's absurd.

"What? Why me? It could've been Sa-weon or Ji-hoon. This is unfair." I said with uncontrollable emotions. "Irene, you know that Sa-yeon is already engaged with his fiancé while Ji-hoon is still young and immature." dad stated. "We thought that you are going to be our best option since you are matured enough."

"I'm not willing to do this fixed marriage thing." the guy, Jay, said. "Me as well. This is against my will." I followed.

"Marrying each other means the two of you will be able to take sixty percent of our shares in each company. thirty percent from Parkview Holdings and thirty percent from Aurora Luxe Resorts." Mrs. Park stated, giving us a great offer.

If I were to think it was a great offer since I think I'd be actually be able to handle the company right.

"So, what does the two of you say?" Mr. Park said.

"I'll think about it." We both said at the same time.

Married to The Mafia | Jay Park (On-Hold)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ