(S1) Chapter 3: Ash Catches a Pokémon and Celestia Found More Unknown Pokémon

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[Narrator] Deep in the dark Viridian Forest, Ash discovers a Caterpie and tries his best to make his first Pokémon catch.


Ash turns his hat backwards and throws the Pokéball.

"Caterpie, you're mine!" Ash shouted. Ash's Pokéball makes contact on Caterpie's head and is sucked inside. The Pokéball struggles for a moment before settling. Ash chuckles as he runs over to the Pokéball. "Yes! I did it! Aha! I did it! I got Caterpie!"

"Alright! Congratulations, Ash." Celestia smiled.

"I did it all by myself. I caught my first Pokémon!" Ash exclaimed. "This is the first step on my way to becoming the number one Pokémon Master in the world."

"Ah! Hey! Wait a minute!" Misty said as Ash wrapped his arm around hers.

"Ha-ha." Ash laughed joyfully.

"Pikachu." Pikachu said, causing Celestia and Drukeus to look at it as its eyes start spinning.

"I'm getting dizzy! I'm going to be sick! Quit it!" Misty yelled at Ash.

"Look out, Pokémon. Nothing's going to stop me now." Ash said as Pikachu fell to the ground.

"Ash, you're acting like..." Misty said then groaned when Ash shoved the Pokéball in her face.

"Look." Ash said. "Inside this ball is the very first Pokémon I ever caught in my whole entire life."

"Great. Just keep it away from me, will you?" Misty asked.

"You're not afraid of an itty-bitty Caterpie in a Pokéball, are you?" Ash asked.

"Bugs get me all bugged out, even when they're in a Pokéball." Misty said. "Just keep it away!"

"I like bugs even if they're not in Pokéballs and so does Celestia." Ash said. "It must be great for Caterpie inside the Pokéball, all cute and comfortable inside there. I love my new little Pokémon." Misty glares at him as he rubs the Pokéball against his face.

"I guess it takes a worm to love a worm." Misty said.

"Very funny." Ash said, then goes over to Celestia, Drukeus and Pikachu. "Pikachu, Celestia, Drukeus...we've both got a new friend."

"You bet, Ash." Celestia smiled. Pikachu sniffs Ash's Pokéball.

"Pika!" Pikachu said.

"Drukeus." Drukeus smiled.

"Oh Pikachu, I'm glad you like it." Ash said. "And from now on, we'll catches a whole bunch of new friends. Caterpie, you're sticking with us."

"Uh, does that mean..." Misty started to say.

"Caterpie, come out! Ha!" Ash shouted. Screaming, Misty runs far away as Caterpie comes out of the Pokéball and hides behind a tree. "There's nothing to be scared of." He walks up to Caterpie. "Come on, Caterpie, climb up on my shoulder." Caterpie nods and inches its way up to his shoulder until it looks over at Misty. Wiggling its little front legs in the air, Caterpie made its way at top speed for Misty. "Hey, Caterpie, come back!" Misty screams as Caterpie rubs its head against her leg. "Hey, Misty, Caterpie really likes you. Isn't that cute?"

"But I don't think Misty likes it." Celestia smiled sheepishly while sweatdropping.

"Get this disgusting bug away from me!" Misty screamed.

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