Shipping cute

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Author's notes!
Yes I ship Dave and Bambi fight me /j

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Dave has had feelings for Bambi for a long time now but he never found the courage to tell him. Well, that changes today. Bambi was out in the cornfield, plucking out every new ear of corn that sprouted. Dave slowly made his way over there, being careful not to startle Bambi and cause him to attack. Once he got close enough, he called out to him.

"Hey Bambi-"

"HUH!? WHO THERE!?" Bambi yelled as he whipped out his corn bazooka.


"Oh! Hi Dave! What brings Dave here?" Bambi said while smiling and putting away the corn bazooka.

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Dave blushed slightly, getting distracted by Bambi smiling at him. He quickly shook his head and regained his focus.

"So um, Bambi, as you know, we've been friends for a long time now."

"Bambi think about four years right?"

"Yeah... And we've been through a lot haven't we?"

"Bambi would think so yes."

"I know this may seem weird but... As I got to know you more, I started realizing I saw you more then just a friend so..."

Is Dave going to ask what Bambi thinks Dave is going to ask...? Bambi thought as he stared at Dave.

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