Mine now!

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Author's notes!
Let's be real, Bambi would do this at SOME point lmao

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Bambi didn't consider himself a prankster personally but he didn't mind causing a little mischief here and there. But when Bambi's mischief accidentally ruined the science project Tristan made for Dave, Dave was not having it. He chased Bambi around the house, probably planning to pummel him and then lecture him about why what he did was wrong. Bambi on the other hand did not want to find out and ran away as fast as he could. He could teleport away if he really wanted but he was curious how long Dave could chase him for.

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"GET BACK HERE BAMBI!!" Dave yelled as he turned a corner.

"NEVER!!" Bambi yelled as he took off running away from the house.

Dave continued to chase Bambi until he came to a complete stop, falling out of his wheelchair in the process. He hit the grass face first, dizzy out of his mind until he looked around for the source of his immediate stop. It was a tiny rock that could almost be mistaken as a pebble if it was any smaller.

"Of course..." Dave said disappointingly.

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