But if the indication of water running was any indication and a humming female voice, I think its safe to say it was at least closer to an hour. My eyes opened in haze as I looked around slowly, blinking.

"Paige..?" I question, voice still rough with both sleep and my cold. Alyssa had given Paige her keys to let herself in, knowing that both her and I would be home with Nika and herself came back. The running water was turned off before footsteps made their way over to me, stopping at the back of the couch as I looked over. Paige's face softening as she gave me a small smile.

"Hi pretty lady... How are you feeling?"

"Not very pretty," I pause, coughing into my arm before adjusting myself into a more comfortable sitting position on the couch. "When did you get here? How long did I sleep?"

"It's three thirty, I don't know how long you were asleep but I got here maybe... Twenty minutes ago?" She hummed, a hand coming to lay itself on my forehead causing me to lean into the colder touch.

"No fever right now at least. Did you take some of the medicine that I had Nika bring?" My girlfriend's hand moves down, cupping my cheek. I just hum and nod and response causing her to laugh.

"Good girl," If I wasn't already flushed from being sick I'm sure .y blush would have been obviously emotional. I just stayed leaning into the touch before blinking as Paige moved her hand away, starting to go back to the kitchen. I followed the girl with my eyes.

"I made you some chicken soup, or at least started it. It's cooking now and then I was going to get into the shower while it finished." My girlfriend added, and I grinned at that before laughing.

"Miss Bueckers? Cooking?" I joke, adjusting myself so that my face was propped on the back of the couch, watching my girlfriend continue to work.

"I can cook! Nika and I didn't just starve before you, you know." She chuckles causing me to give a playful grin back before sneezing quietly. The noise still catching my girlfriends attention.

"Go back to sleep babe, I'll wake you up when I'm out of the shower and the soup is done." Her voice echoes from the kitchen to the living room.

"Okay... Thank you." I mumble, Paige echoing a 'Of Course' as I lay on the couch again, starting to drift off.


Paige's P.O.V

"Who the hell.." I mutter to myself as I get out of the shower, drying my hair as I grab my phone, the device having gone off for the past 5 minutes with messages before a call came in. I blink  seeing my twins name.

"Open the door."  Her slightly annoyed voice fills the line, and my eyes widen slightly. I fucking forgot I took Alyssa's keys.

"Fuck, my bad. I was in the shower and Maia's asleep."

"I figured. That's why Lyz didn't call her," Her voice pauses slightly as I listen, "Babe, no you can not try to break down your door, not even when you're healthy."

I laugh at the volleyball players impatience, quickly getting dressed in a simple white tank top and gray Nike basketball shorts, jogging out of the bathroom door as I went to open the door.

"About damn time." Nika jokes walking in and I shove her, shushing her playfully before pointing to the sleeping brunette on the couch.

"My bad. My bad Romeo." My twin laughs, albeit quieter as she holds her hands up. I dab Alyssa up as she passes me, the injured girl going to sit on the opposite couch as my sleeping girlfriend, before I lock the door behind them. After that I go to check on the soup cooking.

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