Chapter - 19: It's Finally Time (PART - B)

Start from the beginning

Everyone who knew them both could see the sparks flying and they themselves weren't completely unaware of that. But both had their respective pasts to blame for their trust issues. They both acknowledged the sparks but refrained from being more than friends anytime soon until they completely trust the other to bare their souls to each other. 

They knew they had a lot of talking to do before they even consider being more than friends. That understanding and maturity was the reason why they liked each other and were happy to keep that up.

Abhimanyu on the work front has been a beast to say the least. He was guiding Anahita and getting things moving in the hospital at express pace. He wanted to get done with as many follow up appointments as possible and also take care of the supplies for the next two months.

He refrained from rescheduling any more surgeries for earlier dates, to utilize this one week extra time because that would be unfair to the families. Heart surgeries are no joke, and he didn't want to take unwanted risks because of his personal commitments. 

So, with no surgeries preponed and not many scheduled, he concentrated more on duty division and administrative work that will come handy for Anahita in his absence. He also gave Rohan a short break while he was there because once he is off to Mumbai, Rohan won't be getting any off time. 

He didn't want Rohan to overwork himself and literally forced him to take rest for the few days he had in hand. He gave Anahita an off as well, so that they can spend some time with each other. That day, he stayed in the hospital through the night and day much to everyone's displeasure. 

It took Abhimanyu half a day to literally coax everybody back to normalcy. He kind of promised himself to never repeat that ever again unless in times of emergencies. He learnt his lesson quite well and his family made sure of it. His kids enjoyed bossing him and he didn't want to give them any more chances to do that. They can be very mean when they chose to. 

Akshara on the other hand welcomed Vikram home and treated him like royalty. Abhinav didn't even try confronting her or going against her wishes. His insecurities were too deep to consider anything of that sort. 

Vikram made her meet Anya JaiSingh and Akshara was impressed by her wit and spontaneity. She could clearly see Anya executing her vision flawlessly and she thanked Vikram profusely for finding her. She explicitly asked Anya to befriend Roohi and get into her inner circle as quickly and as stealthily as possible. 

Akshara didn't want anyone to doubt her intentions. She explained Anya in detail how she can actually win the hearts of the family. That was very important to maintain friendship with Roohi. All the things Anya described about Roohi, Abhimanyu and family based on her stint at Birla House, Akshara was sure that the family had a lot of control on Roohi.

Akshara was expecting a rebellious and vulnerable Roohi to contest the competition but here, the whole Birla Clan were turning their lives upside down to be there for her. That will just make things difficult for her, but she was determined that with Anya's help, she can make Roohi crack under pressure. 

The news about Abhir left her disappointed. Vikram found out that Abhir had exams and then a cricket tournament lined up at the same time as the show. That only meant that Abhir would hardly be around. Nothing was going as per her plan, but she was never the one to give up. 

Akshara decided to make the most out of Abhir's timely visits, which she was sure that he would be making. The family can't possible survive without each other. She understood that really well and she knew exactly what she was up against. 

But Akshara had an ace up her sleeve and all she was waiting for was a perfect opportunity to be able to wield it. That would shake things up for the Birlas and she cannot wait to see all the drama unfold. 

Anya also looked super excited by the entire arrangement. She was getting to have a boyfriend on her terms and a very interesting task at hand in addition to the job she adored. She was hell bent on proving that her impression of Roohi was right, and all the rest is just a facade.

Roohi's niceness and her bond with Abhimanyu isn't something she found easy to digest. She didn't even realize that she was actually jealous of Roohi but Akshara did. 

She kept mum about it because she wanted to use it as a trigger when time was ripe. Anya didn't have to know all her cards. Does she? Absolutely not. Anya just had to do as Akshara says and if she ever backs down, she knew how to get her way with her. 

Roohi was all pepped up to take on this new journey. The thoughts about Akshara and proving a point to her took a back seat in front of all the excitement she had for her career. She had put in some good hours into practicing and honing her skills. 

Her Guru, Mrs.Avantika Diwan helped her out immensely with everything she might need in the singing front. Just a night before they were set to leave, the entire clan gathered together, including Aradhna, Abhishek, Soha and her family. 

Abhishek has taken keen interest in all the security details both in Udaipur and Mumbai. With almost the entire family away, his responsibility to maintain things in Udaipur peacefully doubled up. He had to secure the Hospital, office, Birla House, Nanda house, Abhir's school and his practice grounds. 

If at all an enemy decides to attack, this would be the best time. So he had to pull his A - Game out. His commitment and close involvement almost made him a part of such gatherings most often than not. With Abhishek around, everyone was more relaxed mentally. Such was his impact on the Birlas. 

Aradhna has come to mean a lot to the Birlas in the recent time. She was the only friend Neil got home after he became responsible in life, girls and boys included. So, she was always treated very well by everyone. 

Soha and Roohi's friendship forced their parents to meet and maintain an amicable bond which wasn't really tough considering how lovely and simple Dev and Sonakshi are. 

Everyone together had a blast with great food, lots of dance and music as they wished Roohi good luck for her new journey. 

That one night, everybody let loose. They were all just genuinely happy for Roohi and heartfully wanted the best for her. Roohi couldn't have asked for a better 'GOOD LUCK' party even if she willed.

Everyone made her feel very special, and she was determined to return the favour by bringing home the trophy. 

What do you have to say about the Birla family and their way of dealing with the change in plans? 

How fruitful will Akshara's plan be? 

What's that ace she has been hinting at? 

Will Anya live up to her expectations? 

How did you like the family time? 

Do you think Roohi will manage to get them all a return gift in the form of a trophy? 

Well! Let's wait and see.

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