Chapter 27: Come what may, I will marry Prince Arnold

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Dressed in a black gown, Rishe arrived at the secluded chapel at nine o'clock, just as ordered. When she'd shown them the official seal on her letter, her guards agreed to take up positions outside the chapel walls, understanding that their mistress wished to be alone with her fiancé.

Inside, the only illumination was moonlight through the stained-glass windows. The man behind the letter was already waiting for her.

Rishe stood at the entrance and called out a name that did not belong to her future husband.

"Good evening, Prince Theodore."

A soft laugh reached her. "A good evening to you as well, my lovely sister-in-law."

The boy stood at the end of a long red carpet, just as she had predicted.

"You don't seem surprised to see me. I suppose you knew it was me all along?" Theodore said with a smile.

Rishe gave a shallow sigh. "Your forgery wasn't very good. Prince Arnold didn't sign that note."

"I had assumed you wouldn't have seen his signature before," Theodore said.

"How odd."

Theodore was right—she hadn't seen it in this life. But in previous lives, Arnold had sent declarations of war to each nation. She'd never forget that document after all the times she'd seen it. Arnold's penmanship was good, but his signature was messy. The signature in the letter she had received had been comparatively too neat.

"Why did you come here if you knew I was the sender? Weren't you the one who said you wouldn't put yourself in a position to be alone with another man? Oh, that must be why you haven't shut the doors."

"That, and my guards are outside." She'd taken additional measures too, but he didn't need to know about those.

Theodore played with a lock of his hair, looking bored. "I was hoping we could be friends, Lady Rishe. I have invaluable information for you. My brother has a very strange tastes."

"Is that what you wanted to tell me?" Rishe said briskly. "Please keep it brief."

"The other day, you claimed you knew how ruthless my brother could be." His clear voice took on a sinister note. "But you're wrong. If you did know, you wouldn't be so calm." He took a step toward Rishe. "No one in our family is close, you see. Her Majesty—our father's current empress—isn't our biological mother. She's a second wife."

"That's not unusual among royals."

"Is it not? Is it per the usual, then, for a man's son to kill his previous wife?"

A fierce light shone in his eyes—eyes the same color as Arnold's. He came closer, a bewitching smile growing on his face. "My brother killed our mother. But, of course, you know that. You know just how ruthless he is. You were enticed here by the title of crown princess, but you're better off leaving the likes of him. Do you understand? He's the sort of man who would kill his own mother."

Rishe was silent.

"The women who marry into our family lead unhappy lives. I hope now you understand better what I meant. This isn't a mere threat—you may very well be murdered by your husband."

"I was wondering what you had summoned me here to say." Rishe stared at him for a few moments, then sighed again. "Is that it?"

Theodore took a stunned step back, panic briefly flickering over his face. "H-he murdered his own mother! How can you be so calm after hearing something so repulsive?!"

Because I've already seen his criminal record. I know exactly what he'll do in the future.

After killing his father and ascending his throne, Arnold would mobilize his nation's army. He would invade countless nations and murder their royal families as well. He would crush those who opposed him on the front lines, annihilating dissenters. Then, he would kill Rishe.

She'd made her choice with clear eyes. "Come what may, I will marry Prince Arnold."

Theodore gaped at her.

Now that I think about it, there's something I've only just learned by being here.

She'd witnessed Arnold's nature up close and seen on the outside he at least appeared decent. He was unfriendly and lukewarm, but he had a political mind that he put to work taking care of those who relied on him, as well as his citizens.

And still, Rishe did not have her answer. Why in the world does he start a war?

What would go wrong in the next few years that would cause so drastic a change? Or was he just adept at hiding his monstrous nature, which would break free from its cage in five years?

Wait… What if his hand will be forced? What if he's a pawn in someone else's game?

Rishe grinned. I truly am a fool.

Theodore shrank back from her smile. "Haven't you noticed how Arnold has no middle name? That's because my mother and father didn't bless him at his birth! They didn't want him—he's cursed."

"What use is a middle name, truly? Sure, I have Irmgard, but mine is hardly worth commenting on, Prince Theodore Auguste Hein."

"What are you—"

"Are you quite finished?" Rishe looked up at him, unblinking.

"If so, I'll be on my way." Rishe turned back on the threshold. "Instead…"

"Wait!" Theodore cried.

"You brothers have a nice chat." She finished.

"Oh." Theodore's voice died in his throat.

At the door stood Arnold, cold radiating off him in waves.

"Brother." Theodore gulped.

"Why are you here of all places? Wait, did you come here for her?" He rounded on Rishe, taking a stumbling step backward.

His expression slipped from annoyance to dismay as he looked up at his brother. "You don't understand; I wasn't being serious! It was just a joke. She's going to be my sister, so I just wanted to scare her a little!"


The boy flinched.

"Did I not order you to stay away from Rishe?"

Theodore quailed under Arnold's gaze, the fathomless cold. His face was utterly blank, but somehow it held so much malice that it was as if a sword were pointed at Theodore's throat.

Theodore hung his head low, trembling as he forced out the words, "I'm sorry, Brother."

Arnold looked away with indifference. "Rishe, let's go."

"Wait, Your Highness. I think you should speak with your brother a bit longer."

"There's no point."


She still didn't know Theodore's endgame. What had been the point of this?

Arnold's scolding had turned him into a trembling little boy.

Prince Theodore was trying to make me afraid of his brother. But why?


"Coming." Clearly Arnold had no desire to remain, and Rishe turned to follow him, resigned to her ignorance.

Then she heard Theodore whisper, "It's just as I predicted, Sister."

A chill ran down her spine. She looked back over her shoulder. Theodore wasn't trembling.

He's laughing?

The giggles racked his body as he fought to hold them back, face lit with a bewitching darkness. His beauty made Rishe's breath catch even as Theodore said in a meek voice, "I'm so sorry, Brother."

When Arnold looked back, Theodore's expression had returned to one of contrition. "I will go, though I doubt you will forgive me. And, Sister—I'm sorry for frightening you. I promise in the future I will treat you with all the proper respect due to my brother's wife."

Theodore bowed deeply to Rishe and smiled at his brother. "Good night, Brother. I'm so glad to speak to you after such a long time."

Theodore brushed by Arnold on his way out the door, leaving them with nothing but the trembling echoes of that unsettling smile.

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