Chapter 10: Live your life here however you wish

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Rishe's fingertips twitched, and she opened her eyes. Unmoving, she said, "Shouldn't you be seeing to your duties?"

"More hidden depths, I see." Came a voice tinged with pleasure.

Rishe straightened and turned. There was Arnold Hein, leaning against the door to the balcony. "You seem able to sense my approach no matter how far or how hard I try."

"You're quite naughty, aren't you? You've been making your presence known little by little, emanating threat, to see how quickly I catch on."

"So you noticed that as well." Arnold joined Rishe on the balcony. She tensed, but all he did was cast a curious glance at the view. "What were you looking at?"

"The city." Rishe was hardly going to tell him she'd been looking at nothing, merely ruminating on her mother's overbearing advice. The view from the balcony was spectacular, though.

"What's that over there?"

"You mean the library? The state invested funds to expand it. We have books from all over the world."

"Really? You have a library that big?" Rishe's eyes sparkled with delight. She pointed out another building. "What about that spire? It's beautiful."

"The church and clock tower. The bells ring out the hour."

"Ooh, how wonderful! And it looks like there's a rather big market there too?"

"Yes, the largest market in the city. Carts line up in the early morning. Most of the offerings are made fresh every day."

"Amazing! And what about that pretty mountain over there?"

Rishe tried and failed to contain her excitement. She couldn't help but imagine what seeing all these places up close would be like. The grand library, the beautiful church that told the time, and the morning market with fresh, delicious food—she wanted to experience it all.

Seeing Arnold's bemused face, she said, "What?"

"I'm just wondering where all this interest is coming from," he said. "You were so reluctant to come, yet here you are, brimming with curiosity for my city."

"Well…" She trailed off, unsure of how to respond.

What should I say? Should I just tell him the truth?

This wasn't a secret, but talking about her hopes and dreams to the man who had killed her was a little awkward. A strange self-consciousness settled on her, her cheeks heating as she mumbled, "Because I've always wanted to."

Arnold looked at her keenly. "Wanted to what?"

"I've always wanted to come here."

During her life as a merchant, Rishe developed her single dream to visit everywhere in the world. That dream was cut tragically short when only one country remained: Galkhein.

In each of her consecutive lives, Rishe's priority became staying alive. Every time, without fail, just as she found her footing, the world was plunged into chaos. She never had the chance to see Galkhein. This betrothal was her chance.

"It's probably why I agreed to marry you," she added after a moment's hesitation.

Arnold swept a tepid glance over the city. "There's nothing here worth seeing."

"That's not true! The places you just told me about sound amazing! Your citizens are clean and happy, your knights are proper and kind. Oh, and another—"

Rishe broke off enumerating Galkhein's charms as Arnold turned to look at her. His face was impassively calm, but something seemed to pass by underneath, like a shadow in deep water.

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