Chapter 8: Cleaning a place with your own hands makes living more satisfying

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After the bandit incident, Rishe felt the knights begin to ease a bit in her presence.

Despite their initial reluctance to accept her help, they continued to report the injured men's progress and bring any concerns directly to her. In return, they took over gathering herbs from the surrounding countryside on their rest stops.

She hadn't done it for gratitude, but she was nonetheless touched. Gathering medicinal herbs had been second nature ever since her life as an apothecary, and it was foolish to ever turn down loyalty.


Several days after the altercation with the bandits, the coach train finally arrived in the imperial capital of Galkhein.

"Oh my," Rishe murmured as they passed through the gates.

White stone buildings stood in straight rows, lining clean, orderly streets. The first stories all appeared to be shops, while the second-floor windows were festooned with flowers. Everywhere she looked were smiling faces, citizens turned out to witness their prince's return over the smooth brick roads.

Overlooking it all was the towering magnificence of the imperial palace.

"The capital is the seat of power in Galkhein," Arnold explained. "Several key trade routes converge here."

Rishe nodded, suddenly anxious to be out of the coach. More and more people were gathering to watch their progress, some carrying shopping bags in both arms or holding hands with children. Many of them waved, as if greeting someone dear to them.

Happy citizens and clean, orderly streets meant wealth. Galkhein was well-off.

Rishe couldn't help but grin at an adorable little girl watching them roll by with sparkling eyes. When she saw Rishe's smile, she blushed and leapt up in the air, laughing with delight.

The coach made its way through the city before passing through the castle gates. Lines of disciplined knights flanked the road, ready to greet the crown prince and his fiancée.

Arnold stepped out of the coach, holding out his hand to Rishe. She took it reflexively as she alighted. A prince would be expected to help any lady out of carriage, never mind his own consort, yet for some reason the knights looked a bit disturbed.

Rishe shot them back of look of innocent confusion.

"Our long journey is at last at its end, Your Highness, Lady Rishe." Oliver emerged from the ranks of the knights, bowing. He shot Arnold a curious glance. "How novel to see you taking the hand of your fiancée."

Ah! Rishe realized that she herself had willingly broken the condition that she had imposed. Arnold had offered his hand, but she was the one who accepted.

Arnold gave a little laugh of triumph. Rishe felt a rush of frustration at being tricked.

Oliver stared at them before leaning in to whisper in Arnold's ear. Arnold let out a breath of annoyance.

"Is something the matter?" Rishe asked.

"I sent orders ahead to have a detached wing of the palace prepared for us, but it seems the preparations are behind schedule. I'm sorry, but you'll need to stay in a guest room in the main palace for a few days."

"Oh, I don't mind if the wing isn't ready," Rishe said. "We can head over there now."

"It hasn't been used in quite a while. It'll be covered in dust."

"I said that I didn't mind if it was a mess, remember? But there's no need for you to put yourself out. By all means, stay in the main palace for as long as you need." Rishe had spent a life as a maid—dust didn't scare her. "Besides, I'm a hostage, after all."

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