Chapter 15: I wasn't thinking about anyone else, I was worried about you

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Rishe retreated to the empty balcony to enjoy the music, grimacing with every stinging mouthful of wine. She drank it in decreasing sips until Arnold joined her.

"What are you making that face for?"

Rishe swirled the glass. "Don't worry, it's not you. It's just this wine is so spicy."

"Spicy? The wine is?"

"Mm. It's seasoned with capsicum. I barely managed to get that first mouthful down without gagging."

Arnold swiped the glass from her hand. "Don't tell me this was a poisoning attempt!"

Rishe clicked her tongue in annoyance at her own lack of vigilance. No one else would be able to grab something from her so easily.

Arnold glared at the wine. "You don't need to drink this. I'll get rid of it."

"Hey, give that back! They ruined a perfectly good glass of wine because of me. I'm not going to waste it." She grabbed it back and took another sip, shuddering at the taste.

Arnold glowered. "Tell me who did this. I'll have them executed."

"Don't be ridiculous. You don't kill people like her—you use them." Just the tiniest bit of wine to go, but it was getting harder to make herself drink it. Rishe gave the glass a reproachful look, then glanced back at Arnold. "Oh, and I owe you an apology."

"Do you?"

"I used your name to defend myself." The girls had only backed off when she threatened to tattle to Arnold. Rishe found that sort of thing inelegant in the extreme, and she was embarrassed.

Arnold sighed at Rishe's apologetic bow. "There's nothing wrong with a wife invoking her husband's name."

Rishe hesitated. "We're not married yet."

"That's a formality. It's as good as done, if you ask me."


He took her distraction as an opportunity to swipe her glass back. Instead of dumping it out, Arnold gulped the rest of it down.

"Damn, that packs a punch," he grumbled.

"I told you that!" Rishe snapped. "Are you all right? Let me get you some water!"

"I'm fine. But now you've fulfilled your obligation to the wine, haven't you?"

Rishe didn't know what to say. He'd helped her—not by taking charge but by following her lead. Without cutting her down and telling her she was being foolish. Without rolling his eyes and dismissing her desires as trifles.

"Thank you," Rishe said stiffly, which just made him laugh.

"What were you thinking about when we were dancing?" he asked.

"What do you mean?"

"You were thinking about someone else, weren't you? Who?"

Rishe didn't know a delicate way to say 'I was thinking about a future version of you that I met in another life.'

"Hmm?" His tone was oddly light, teasing even. But the gleam in his hunter's eyes said she wouldn't get away so easily.

Obviously, Rishe couldn't give him an honest answer. "I wasn't thinking about anyone else. I was worried about you."


This was the closest she could come to the truth. "Were you injured here?"

She patted her own left shoulder with her forefinger.

7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to His Worst Enemy!Where stories live. Discover now