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After lunch Deepak drop them both to their house and went from there while without saying anything.

Yashasvi came to his room and layed down on bad and Ishan also came in room and saw Yashasvi sleeping, so he went near him and sat beside him on bed caressing Yashasvi's hair

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Yashasvi came to his room and layed down on bad and Ishan also came in room and saw Yashasvi sleeping, so he went near him and sat beside him on bed caressing Yashasvi's hair.

Ishan : Yashasvi, baby what happened ? Aren't you feeling well ? shall we go to doctor?
Yashasvi : No Bhaiya, I am okay.....(still closing his eyes)

Yashasvi put his head on Ishan's lap and snuggled more while wrapping his hands around Ishan's waist.

Ishan : (patting his back) It's okay, everything will be alright hmm?

As Ishan said he suddenly heard sniffing sound, he look and widened his eyes at Yashasvi.

Ishan : Baby, are you crying ?

He immediately made Yashasvi sit properly and wiped his tears.

Ishan : What happened baby ? tell me. Did your friend said something ???....(worriedly)
Yashasvi : (shook his head as no while looking down)
Ishan : Then ? Do you have pressure of studies ?
Yashasvi : N-no Bhaiya....(sniffing)
Ishan : Then ? Tell me na baby, don't cry like this. You know na whenever you cries makes me worried.
Yashasvi : *Oh sh!t, I can't even stop my tears. I should change topic.....*
Ishan : Tell me.....(worriedly)
Yashasvi : M-my back is paining.....🥺
Ishan : (sigh in relief and smile) You scared me pagal.
Ishan : Don't worry, I will give you pain killer.

Ishan stood up and take out one tablet from drawer and gave to Yashasvi.

Ishan : Hm, take it.

He filled glass of water and gave to Yashasvi which Yashasvi took and gulped it.

Ishan : Now sleep well.

Yashasvi layed down on bed then Ishan tucked him inside blanket.

Ishan : *You started lying to me.....*(sad smile)
Yashasvi : Bhaiya, turn off the lights.
Ishan : H-hmm

Ishan : *I came here while thinking about Yashasvi, what happened to him ?! as I was thinking I took out my mobile and saw one missed call from Shubman

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Ishan : *I came here while thinking about Yashasvi, what happened to him ?! as I was thinking I took out my mobile and saw one missed call from Shubman. Huh ?!! why did he called me ?! Is everything okay? I quickly call him back and after some rings he picked it up.....*
Shubman : 📞 Ohh my god, from where today sun rises ?!!
Ishan : 📞You gave me miss call, is everything okay ?
Shubman : 📞 Oh god, you care for me so much.
Ishan : 📞 I am asking about Rahul bhaiya, is he okay ?
Shubman : 📞 Would I can only call you for Rahul Bhaiya ? I also exist in this beautiful world.
Ishan : (smile) okay, then why did you call me ?
Shubman : 📞 Well, I was missing you.
Ishan : 📞 I am sorry ?!!
Shubman : 📞 Um.. No.... I mean you know I came to Punjab ?
Ishan : ,📞 Oh so you are in punjab.
Shubman : 📞 Means this all days you didn't even ask about me to anyone ?!!
Ishan : 📞 I didn't need, I knew it that you will call me and tell me by yourself only.....(chuckle)
Shubman : 📞 Well, you are right. Ishan, I mean.....
doctor Ishan .
Ishan : 📞 You can call me Ishan.
Shubman : 📞 Well, really you don't know me ?
Ishan : 📞 Huh ?!! What's your problem ?! Now you will tell me that who are you ?! Tell me fast.
Shubman : 📞 No no, I was just kidding.... Well ifyouwantthensearchmeongoogle.
Ishan : 📞 What ?! What did you said ?
Shubman : 📞 No-nothing, I am sorry Ishan. I need to hung up the call, I have work.
Ishan : 📞 Oh okay, bye take care.
Shubman : 📞 Hmm, bye.
--At Pandya's House--

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