drivers license

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warning: contains alot of heartbreak.


i got my driver's license last week
just like we always talked about -


"BABE! BABE! I GOT MY FUCKING DRIVER'S LICENSE I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS SHIT!" Ricky almost shouted, running up to EJ, who was already at their lockers.

"WHAT? When?!" EJ said, almost having the same reaction as the brunette boy. Who was already jumping around, like a maniac.

"Yesterday, I wanted to call you to give you the good news, but you didn't pick up, were you busy?" Ricky asked, tugging the senior by his letterman jacket. EJ hesitantly opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out.

"U-uh yeah, I was busy.." EJ quickly running his hands through his black hair. "Um.. helping Ash with her homework?" He said.

Ricky noticed the frustration growing on EJ's face, but he didn't budge. "Well, that's okay. I'm just glad that you finally know, so now we can drive around in my car, screaming to all the Dear Evan Hansen soundtracks.,"

This made EJ crack out a smile, showing all teeth. "Okay, whatever you want, babe." The dark haired boy said kissing the brunette's cheek.


'cause you were so excited for me
to finally drive up to your house -


Ricky was on his way to EJ's house in his 1958 pink-tan Dodge Texan. He always had a thing for old cars, he didn't know why but he did.

He could tell he was close to EJ's because you could sense the rich aroma, flowing through the air.

As he was already in front of EJ's house, he tried calling him, but he didn't pick up.

"Please pick up.." Ricky says to himself, as he tried calling the senior once again.


"What's up losers, This is EJ Caswell, please leave a message after the beep, unless your my baby, Ricky Bowen, who doesn't need to leave a message because he could just come to my house." *Beep*

Ricky clutched his phone in his hand, as he started to tear up. This wasn't like EJ to decline or miss his calls, or not responding to his texts by only leaving him on 'Read'.

He got out of his car, and walked to the Caswell's front door. Hesitantly, he lightly did 3 little knocks.

He quickly saw the front door swing open, revealing Mrs. Caswell.

"Oh, hello Ricky. What are you doing here on such short notice?" Mrs. Caswell beamed up with happiness by seeing her son's boyfriend.

"Hey Mrs. C, U-um I actually came here to see EJ, is he here by any chance?" Ricky asked, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Sorry Ricky, but he just lefted, to go hang out with some friends." Mrs. Caswell frowned. "Would you like to come in and sit down for a while..?" The older woman said, gesturing for Ricky to come in.

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