cupcake boy, pretty boy

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inspired by 'Cupcake Boy' by Tarlos126

ricky bowen, a 17 year old cupcake boy, he sells his homemade cupcakes at East High.

ej caswell, a 18 year old pretty boy, who's about to finally discover ricky's cupcakes.


today, was another extraordinary day for ricky, he was beamed with happiness, so much happiness, he decided to make it a 'free cupcake day' for everyone at school.

"you seem really happy today." nini walked up to his cupcake booth, clinching to his backpack.

"ugh, no hello? that's rude neens." ricky chuckled, as he tied his apron around his waist. "and besides, it's feel like a good day."

the girl (nini) rolled her eyes at the boy's (ricky) sarcasm. "shut up, i needs a cupcake today, how much?" she dug in her backpack.

"oh no, no, no, actually i decided to make today a 'free cupcake day'" the boy beamed his infamous cheeky smile.

"oh, okay. that's...really nice of you, rick."

"nah, don't mention it neens, what cupcake would you like?"

"well, i was going to ask for the strawberry cupcake, but since it's almost halloween.. i'll have the pumpkin pie cupcake." the brunette girl flashed a smile, phrasing a checkmark with her index finger and thumb.

ricky couldn't help but let out a small laugh at his best friend.

"make that two please!" kourtney yelped, from behind.

"and three!" big red joined, from beside kourtney.

after giving them each of them a pumpkin pie cupcake, he still had 15 minutes to sell more cupcakes before class.

now, he leaned against the counter, scrolling through his feed on instagram. he stopped at a picture of the boy of his dreams, ej caswell.

it was a picture of him at a mirror, posing. shirtless.

ricky quickly liked, and saved the picture. he knew ej was a tease and would likely try to only get in your pants but something inside him, made him feel like ej was more than that.

he kept scrolling through ej's instagram account, but was interrupted by a voice.

"y'know, if you're stalk me, you could've least told me." the voice said.

ricky immediately looked up from his phone, seeing.. him.

ricky was completely flustered with red cheeks, his throat was dry, it sensed that it was getting hot. ricky was literally about to faint.

"h-hey you alright ricky?" ej asked worryingly. "someone get the-"

"n-no i'm fine. thank you." the junior assured,

"are you sure? you're looking kinda red there." the senior gestured to his blushing red face.

"u-uh i swear i'm good ej. what can i get you?"

"oh um yeah, i-i heard about your pumpkin pie cupcake, my cousin got one yesterday, and wouldn't stop blabbering about how good it was." ej was saying, releasing a little laugh.

"oh ashlyn, she really liked it?" ricky smiled at the thought of his bubbly friend.

"yeah she did. she wouldn't even let me get a bite and told me to 'get my own'"

"jesus." ricky chuckled.

god that smile's gonna kill me. ej thought.

"no really, she said that. so here i am. one pumpkin pie cupcake please?" ej smiled.

he can literally be cute and hot at the same time. ricky ranted in his head.

"coming right up." ricky beamed, snapping his fingers.

ej wasn't the type to go for the lovey-dovey shit, he wanted to focus on his dreams before falling in love. but that was all before he met ricky bowen.

everything about ricky made his gain more butterflies in his stomach. the way he treated others with so much kindness, the way he would skate to school, his glowing curls blowing through the wind. it made ej wish that ricky could be his.

"here ya go." ricky had put the cupcake in a tiny box, with a red ribbon in a neatly tied bow.

ej just smiled at the little box. "thanks alot. how much do i own you?" the senior pulled out his wallet. but ricky made a sudden movement, and grabbed his hand.

"uh- uh no payment, it's actually free cupcake day. so you don't have to." the junior said, immediately releasing the older teen's wrist.

ej quickly flustered by the contact of their hands, he was really whipped for ricky bowen. and ricky was really whipped for ej caswell..

"um.. okay, thanks for.. the cupcake.," ej stuttered, holding up the tiny cupcake box.

"yeah no problem." ricky striked back, smilingly blushing.

ej chuckled at the boy's cuteness, and started walking away.

wait, maybe this is my chance.. ricky told himself.

"EJ-" ricky shouted quickly. "EJ!"

ej stopped walking, turning around to face the younger teen.


ricky snatched the tiny box, while pulling out a pen.

ej was confused, but he knew where this was going.

"here." ricky reached out the tiny box back to the senior, earning a smile in return. "it's my number. call me sometime?"

ej waited for this moment since the first day back to school, thus he waited to finally get the courage to actually talk to ricky without going crazy.

"sure, i'll call you." ej smiled and reached down, kissing the shorter's boy blushing red cheek. "so.. wanna hang out after school today?"

"of course." ricky smiled, waving goodbye to the taller boy. "make sure to call me."

"will do cupcake boy." ej said, before giving the boy a small hug.

"alright pretty boy." ricky chuckled hugging him back, before pulling away.

"does 7 sound good?"

"yeah, i'll be ready."

"cool. i'll be waiting."

ricky standing on his tippy toes, kissing ej's cheek, before walking away, with a smile on his face.

ej watched as the cupcake boy/skater walked away, he was in love. he quickly sat down and pulled out the pumpkin pie cupcake, taking a large bite. it was sweet, and fulled with so much love and joyfulness.

he was right..

it reminded him of ricky.

they both smiled to themselves, at their separate ways. knowing that their wishes came true.

cupcake boy x pretty boy.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐁𝐎𝐘 (remastered)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon