Chapter 14

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When they arrived, there was quite a lot of commotion in the room. Gregor noted that neither Ripred or Luxa had returned. Though he assured himself that they would be back soon, he still couldn't hold back a feel of disappointment that welled up inside him. He noted that both Lizzie and Boots were at the meeting. Boots was already riding on the back of one of the giant cockroaches by the right side of the room. Temp, Gregor presumed it was he who had Boots on his back, was one of the most patient and nice tempered Underland creatures he had ever met. Plus, he liked Boots, though "like" was quite an understatement. Back in the time when Gregor was on his first Prophecy-of-Grey quest, Temp and the other crawlers had done some kind of ritual dance around Boots, worshiping her, as Marath had said, as the "Princess". Gregor had wondered what the crawlers would think about the "princess" role of Boots now that they've learnt that Lizzie could also be treated as the princess, but it seems that they hadn't altered their opinion one bit. Or at least, Temp hadn't.

As for Lizzie, Gregor spotted her sitting next to a young boy Gregor couldn't identify at first. But then it struck him. It was Hazard! The boy was only 7 when Gregor had last seen him, but now, after nearly three years had gone by, he was much taller, his face almost girlishly delicate, with no sign of battle training visible on the lean texture of his body. Gregor remembered Hamlet, Howard's father's words, just before he died in the Vineyard of Eyes: "Let him be... anything but a worrier." It seems that Luxa had kept that dying wish of Hamlet's. Hazard then spotted Gregor.

"Gregor!" He exclaimed, and Gregor smiled in spite of himself. Hazard was one of if not the only Underlander that calls Gregor by his given name, and not the oddly formal "Overlander" term.

"It's good to see you, Hazard," Gregor said as he walked over, "wow you've grown quite a lot!"

Hazard grinned. "I am nearly 5 inches taller than the last time we've met." He said proudly. Lizzie held up the thing the two had been studying before Gregor had arrived. "Look, Gregor," she said, holding it up, "it's that animal toy you gave to Hazard the last time we were here." The thing was obviously out of batteries, and most of the animals had rusty marks and the color of the dog had faded away, but Hazard still kept it by him.

"It reminds me of all the adventures we had together," Hazard said, "it didn't actually matter whether the animals make noises or not, I've listened to them a hundred times and I can remember without any problems. It is the memories that this thing holds that's precious to me."

Gregor didn't know what to say. He hadn't expected Hazard to take this cheap plastic toy as a token of love and memories and bonds and ... whatever. Just then, a commotion outside the hall saved him from coming up with anything to say. They all heard voices, raised voices, arguing heatedly amongst each other, and Gregor could clearly discern 2 very familiar but to him, otherworldly voices within the din. And just like that, as the court room's doors were flung open, as Gregor caught his first look at the two friends he hadn't laid eyes on for 3 years, Luxa and Ripred strolled into the room. 

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