Chapter 3

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When Gregor finally came home from school, his mother was still not back from work, neither were his dad nor Lizzie and Boots. Grandma was still in the hospital. The house seemed empty and not so cluttered as almost all the members were gone.

Almost. Gregor noticed the lone cockroach sitting atop the window sill, studying him intently.

"You'd better get lost," Gregor said to the cockroach, "my mom is going to squash you flat if she sees you." The cockroach didn't respond, just stared at Gregor. Gregor sighed. These smaller cockroaches were just too stupid. He couldn't help wondering if the giant ones down below really were related with these idiotic smaller ones. He picked up a small glass jar, and was about to trap the cockroach underneath it, when he saw the cockroach waving its legs. He looked closer, and the cockroach made an odd twisting motion with its front leg.

"What?" Gregor asked. He was so close to the cockroach that he could see its shell had a brown mark on the top. It did the motion again, and suddenly, Gregor realized, it was beckoning to him! Heart racing, he nodded vigorously to show that he understood. The roach scuttled down from the window and swiftly moved towards the door. It stopped, waiting for Gregor to follow. Without hesitation, Gregor did.

The elevator was on, and the bug scuttled up the wall, and began circling the down button. Gregor pressed it, and when the elevator arrived, they went in together. The bug began circling the lowest floor, and Gregor pressed it. Well, they are related after all! He thought to himself. The bug was too clever for its own good.

When it stopped, the bug scuttled first out of the elevator, and towards the far end of the hall. Suddenly, Gregor knew what was going on. It taking me to the laundry room, he thought as he followed. The laundry room. He knew what that meant. They had probably sent someone up to inform him of something, perhaps war had started again and he was summoned back to fight? His heart was pounding in his chest as he reached the laundry room. No one was in it, except the roach which scuttled towards the far side of the room, where the metal grate sealed the entrance to the Underland.

Gregor saw that the grate was as shut as usual. His heart seemed to sink to his shoes in disappointment. What had he been thinking? A roach, leading him to news of the Underland? He was about to turn and leave, when he saw it. Tucked neatly within the top edge of the grate, was a small role of parchment.

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