Chapter 4

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        Gregor gently picked it up. It seemed a bit wet, and he could see sweaty finger prints on the back of the role. Clearly it had been left there not long ago, whoever had done so must have sent the roach. Gregor swiftly moved out of the room and into the corridor, where there he could not be seen, and unfurled the paper to read it:


This is a plea for help. If you come across this letter, please know that times are now urgent in the Underland.

Since the prophecy of time, there has been peace. But Ripred has since unraveled one of the most mysterious prophecies Sandwich has ever carved. It was carved with an incomprehensible code, which now we know to be the code of claw. It speaks of a great evil that we now believe to be upon us. Sandwich named it "the Prophecy of Doom", and it was one of the last prophecies he ever carved before he died.

If you will help us, Gregor, meet your escort in the same entrance you retrieved this letter when the overland clock strikes one AM. Bring Boots and Lizzie, since we do not yet clarify which is the princess the prophecy indicates. We are again, at your mercy.


The Prophecy of Doom. The name sounded as if it took everything Gregor knew about Sandwich and thought of him into account. Below the letter was a new prophecy written in Nerissa's silky handwriting. Gregor began to read it, the words matching the rhythm of his pounding heart:

When the time of war's receded,

And all violence has retreated,

As each creature's light is guarded,

By vow to death protected.

While the undead resides in the over,

And the new queen is lone in the under.

May fury be the sin of doom,

For they who cleave bares its womb,

Hatred swarms around the edge,

The line which marks this land we pledge.

What's gone you think it won't be back,

How wrong you are the peace due crack.

Two young lives on the border maimed,

Two faithful hearts with their light all drained. 

Bring the warrior below or grief,

Reforge the blade which splits by he.

The young queen to which the duty lies,

From which to choose, princess or lives.

Summon untrusting though he'd be,

The gnawer to whom you owe your peace.

Seek within the eye of eyes,

Pass the darkness and the night,

The only hope the eternal light,

Destroy your foemen before the strife.

Reverse as said from once before,

You see the when but the what ignore,

Turn to whom you once would hate,

Aly yourselves as light for bait,

Return to them what we owe,

The final mark of the victory stone.

Oh, Underland beware the choice,

Chose wise all creatures will rejoice,

If wrong in judgement all will go,

Though you think you've destroyed your foe.

The end of the end will be held within your hands,

Both over and under lies on a strand.

If the walls of the city breach,

No barrier will hold the monsters deep.

9 ascent and 1 joins up ahead,

He may be dangerous, but don't you dread.

Times may be good, all can survive,

But if it fails, none will reside.

Gregor let the scroll snap shut. He had never thought that there will be another prophecy about him, since in the previous one, the prophecy of time, he had already "died". Knowing Sandwich, this one probably indicated some horrific circumstance. The guy is such a bummer, Gregor thought, nothing good, just war and blood and destruction. Even the so-called "Peace maker" whom they knew was Ripred had to have the traits of war and be heavily scared to meet the description. But after more than two years without news, he was in fact more expecting things along the lines of what Vikus said than a real big hello. The old man probably wouldn't say "Oh hello Gregor long time no see if you'd like we could arrange for you and Luxa to meet and have a real date soon you know since there is no war and everyone is peaceful" and have it sent by a scout to his laundry room.

He didn't know what to do. Part of him wanted to just climb right into the grate and go to the Underland. But he knew he couldn't. If he did, his family will turn New York City inside out looking for him, and when they finally realized what was happening, his dad would come looking for him, and probably his mother too. If he wanted to go, he had to handle this gently, and persuade his parents that he needed to go. He needed time to talk them into it. But time was what he lacked right now, there were only a few more hours until one AM. 

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