Chapter 5

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       When Gregor's dad came home, it was well past 7 pm. It was obvious from his bedraggled look that Gregor's sisters had worn the man out, all three were tired, even though they'd dried themselves, Gregor saw their wet hair and damp clothes and exhausted looks, and he knew this was no time to bring up the matter of the letter. At least, not in front of his sisters. As Lizzie and Boots took their baths, Gregor pulled his dad into his room, and closed the door behind him.

His dad looked questioningly at Gregor. Without a word, Gregor handed him the scroll. His dad seemed to immediately sense what was going on, as Gregor saw his eyes widen in shock. But he still tentatively unfurled it, and read it through. The more he read, the more his face registered alarm. When he finished, he handed the scroll back to Gregor.

"I know you want to go." He said after a moments' silence. Gregor nodded, and his dad sighed.

"I understand what's at stake, Gregor," He said slowly, "but will your mother permit it?"

This was the part that Gregor was worried about. Even if he could convince his mother to let him revisit the place that he'd promised he would never go to 3 years ago, he would have more chance swimming across the Pacific Ocean than convince her of letting one of his sisters, let alone both, go with him. Suddenly, he felt anger bubble up from nowhere. He was angry at himself, at his mother for probably not letting him go, at his dad for standing there stupidly, and at Vikus for just throwing him into such a ridiculous situation.

"Well, "He said after a few seconds, his voice tightly strained, "Even if she tries to stop us, the Underlanders will send their 'escort'. They'll force us to go whether we want to or not."

"I doubt your mother will see it that way," his dad answered, "She will probably come up with some other crazy idea of hindering your plans."

Gregor knew his dad had a point. Last time the rats forced them to go, his mother had gone along with them, and had ended up catching the deadly disease the Underlanders called the plague. He had no idea what she'll do this time, but he was going to try and convince her one way or the other.

But all their worries disappeared in the bizarre events that followed. 

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