Smile it's Sunnah {1}

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"Nura, wake up habibti it's time for suhur."

I let out a loud groan knowing I won't go back to sleep anytime soon. "Im awake ma."

I quickly went to the washroom hearing my mums footsteps fading. I looked in the mirror and just stared. I was ashamed of how much of a "woman" I grew up to be. There was nothing wrong with my looks or at least I think. I was short and have large eyes, and long lashes. I have full pink lips and I was slender.

I guess others saw me as perfect and I was looking in the mirror to find that perfect girl with the perfect manners and iman. After a couple minutes I gave up, it was hopeless finding that perfect gal everyone else saw. I washed up real quick and also made wudu then left downstairs to go eat and pray.

I was greeted with a Salam's. I greeted my siblings and parents with "Wa Alaikumu Salam" whilst me grinning.

I honestly love happy people they just give me a bubbly vibe and I'm lucky to have a family that is very happy every time Alhumdulilah. Everyone was eating and laughing they were all nagging me to get married. My brother and his wife were also here staying for ramadan and eid. I didn't mind at all, I love them. Right now they were talking about a guy named Hamza.

"You know Nura Hamza is a great guy and he Is good looking too" Said Khalid tries to  wink but fails miserably

" I want to start uni first and then start thinking about marriage and I don't even know this Hamza guy ," I say as I could feel my cheeks heating up. I stepped on  Khalid's feet to give him a hint to shut up.

He mumbles and ouch and change the subject. "How much more minutes until fajr guys?"

"15 minutes," Yasir answers his question, my other brother but younger than me.

Everyone started stuffing their mouth with food, I just laugh simply popping a date in my mouth and walked away to get a prayer gown and mat.

So how was it ?

Good or bad must answer lol ;)

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