Chapter 2: The Pros, the Pro Caretaker & the Rookie

Start from the beginning

Kyouka: Hello, Conrad. I assume you want to tell me something?

Conrad: Yeah. I sensed a slight disturbance in the Force, telling me that Yuuki might complain about being a caretaker and tried to argue. If you watched the first Karate Kid movie, you know what I'm talking about.

Kyouka: *joking tone* What's that? Got something to tell me and my slave, Mr. Wise Man?

Her joking remark made Conrad laugh amusingly at that before he happily retorts.

Conrad: He might indeed complain that he can't go to battle, but he needs to be patient since you need him to fight the Shuuki.

Kyouka: That's true. *knowingly* And what if he misbehaves?

Conrad: *grins* Let's say you're gonna discipline him by "twist him off". Think you can handle that?

Kyouka: ... I never thought about that. I'll give it a try. Thanks, Conrad.

Conrad: Anytime, Kyouka. I might visit your dorm to see what's up.

Kyouka: Okay. See you soon, Conrad.

Conrad: You too, Kyouka.

Their conversation ended with their phones respectfully hanging up, ending their call. His friends are wondering about the conversations between him and Kyouka.

Clank: Conrad, what topic did you and Miss Uzen were talking about?

Conrad: Oh, you know. If Yuuki ever complains or gets out of line, I advised Kyouka to discipline her slave by "twisting him off".

Kin: *fanboying* From the famous movie, The Karate Kid?

Conrad: Yep! That's the one, Kin.

Kin: Cool! When I first watched the movie, not only The Karate Kid but also three sequels as well Cobra Kai, I've been trying out with sweet ass moves!

Kin: Cool! When I first watched the movie, not only The Karate Kid but also three sequels as well Cobra Kai, I've been trying out with sweet ass moves!

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Kin gushed over, can't resist the urge to fanboying over one of his favorite movies, showing off his "Karate" skills with a battle cry of "hwat cha!". This act left Ratchet and Clank laughing sheepishly while Conrad and R2 were unsurprised. Kin kept showing off his karate moves, only accidentally knocking down a glassed vase after a flying kick, leaving Conrad infuriated.

Conrad: Kin!!!

Kin: ... It wasn't me. It was a bird.

*Ding! Dong!*

The sound of a doorbell broke the comically awkward scene, leaving Kin spared from Conrad's wrath.

Kin: Oh, thank goodness! Conrad, weren't you expecting some clients?

Conrad: Could be. *shrugged* Possibly not the IPC trying to negotiate with me or the planet again...

Conrad remarked with a tiresome tone, having a lot of pain in the neck dealing with the IPCs. Well, the IPCs are not evil, but they're just a greedy, money-grubbing conglomerate. He brushed off that topic when they heard a doorbell ring again. This prompted Conrad to head to the door and look through the door viewer to see who it was, just in case. Peeking from the door viewer, he saw a 15-year-old, brown-haired middle school kid with a meek attitude.

The Jedi, the Elite & the Slave (Star Wars x Mato Seihei no Slave)Where stories live. Discover now