Chapter 6

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I don't look back. I'm streaming off a list of curse words. My eyes begin to feel heavy with a sticky feeling, when I feel a tear roll down my cheek. I quickly use the back of my hand and wipe it away before anyone sees. "She doesn't deserve my tears," I think to myself, anger eating away at my brain, but deep down I know she's right. I am just going to die, but is it selfish to think that I had broke her heart already?

Images of her face flash in my thoughts, as she turns and runs away. The anger and pain in her eyes are burning images in my mind. I can't forget it.

I stumble and make my way to a bench. Red consuming me entirely. I rest my head in my hands and rub my face trying to somehow rub away what happened right out of my mind. Im sure if someone were to walk over to me they could probably see a visible vein popping out of my neck.
I can hear Sophia calling my name, so I get up off of the bench and keep running. I've exited the fair at this point, I've been running for so long. I stop and lean against a chain fence to try and regain my breath.
I slide down against it. Not realizing I have company.
I run behind a small kiddy ride which leads to an ally way that was between two buildings. It's a dead end. I hope I lost them because if I didn't, I'm screwed.
I hear footsteps.
I turn and look over to see a shadowy figure lean up against the wall close to me. The figure takes something out of his pocket. A lighter. He flips it open lighting a cigarette. The dirty ash air blows over to me.
I sigh.
"Tough night?" the figure asks me.
"Uh, yeah. Is it obvious?" I ask the person.
"Want one?" he asks gesturing towards his box of unlit cigarettes.
I hesitate debating in my mind. They always tell you not to smoke.. lung cancer, addiction, a messed up mouth. What's the point though. I'm just going to die anyways.
He hands me one and lights it up. I inhale the smoke, but immediately start coughing being a reason of never smoking before.
"You'll get used to it." The figure said, still unable to make out his face.
"I'll get used to what?"
"The smoke." The figure said, who was obviously a man.
"I don't mean to be rude, but who are you?" I ask the shadowed person.
The figure steps into the light. "It's me Shia Labeouf. Are you Shia-surprised?"
"Uh.." I choke on the warm smoke that's been filling my lungs, "Possibly." I say in between coughing fits.
"I'm guessing you're confused as to why Shia Labeouf is in a random alleyway, right?"
"Makes sense you're here though " I think about the Shia Labeouf memes and song. "Ya makes sense."
Shia starts to hum Actual Cannibal Shia Labeouf to himself.
I take a long drag on the cigarette Shia gave me in the awkward silence.
"Well boy, it looks like you need a break tonight. How about you come to my place I'm having a party."
"Sounds like fun. Can you give me a ride?"
"Yeah I guess, just don't count on me giving you one home."
"I'll figure out one home."
"I only have a motorcycle and one helmet, so hold on tight and don't fall off, because I'm keeping the helmet."
I contemplate to myself whether this is a good idea or not... I'm gonna die from this cancer anyways, might as well take a few risks.
"Even better." I grin.

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