Chapter 2

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(Larissa's POV)

My mom waits at the curb in front of the hospital in my 2007 Honda Odyssey minivan. Ember, Sophia, and I hop into the car. Next stop, safeway or wherever we're going.I look out the window zoning out. I can't believe I cried and told him what I was feeling. I can't believe he broke down to me like that either. I try and avoid the topic of him dying as much as I can, especially with him around, because really on the inside I'm just as emotional as Sophie.

Breaking my train of thought I hear Ember saying, "So Sophia, when you gonna fix that makeup of yours? Are you gonna walk into Safeway like that 'cause I think that'd be pretty funny, especially if we see someone we know."

I look over at Sophia noticing her makeup disaster, surprised I didn't notice that. I dig some makeup remover wipes out of my backpack and hand one to her.

"LARISSA!" I hear Ember yell from behind me, "What'd you do that for? I didn't even get a picture this time."

"HONESTLY, I'm surprised you still have space left to take pictures on that."

"Personally, I am too. But they're all on my computer at home, so if I need to, I can just delete a few off my phone."

"Good. Because we never know when we may need blackmail worthy material"

"People. I am right here. And don't forget I have just as many unflattering pictures of you as you have of me." Sophia says sternly.

"But we're not just talking about blackmailing you, we're also talking about the other hundred people we have unflattering pictures of as well."

"Except Kerol. He is just way too photogenic to get a bad picture of." Ember says.

"He is way too photogenic, I swear to even be human, but maybe."

"its maybelline" Sophie says cracking herself up

"Or maybe he's actually just an alien." Ember says over Sophie's loud laughter.

"Well if that's our hypothesis maybe we need to conduct an experiment to get the concrete data we need" I propose.

"And what would this experiment be?" Ember asks.

"No idea, But we'll think of one."

"Challenge accepted." Ember says, quoting Barney Stinson from How I Met Your Mother.

But really Kerol is human, no matter how photogenic. If I was an alien and I came to this earth, I would definitely not be spending my time in a hospital with cancer.. dying. But if I really was an alien that was dying, I would just go back to my home planet where hopefully there they would have some cure. Unless it was some alien disease that seems like cancer and no one has a cure. I'd only go back then if I loved the people, well aliens, on that planet more than I loved the humans and people I know on this planet, I like to call earth.

We get to Safeway and Sophia and Ember are arguing about something in the back of the minivan.

I unbuckle my seatbelt, sitting there for a moment, my mom says something to me. I nod, not really knowing what she said at all though, and then get out of the car.

Ember jumps out of the car, forgetting about the argument, and yells "JUNK FOOD HERE I COME!"

Sophie pops out of the car "I am ready to die. How about you guys?" she says referring to the junk food we're all about to consume an extreme amount of.

"I will most likely be dead by morning. So prepare a eulogy for my funeral because you both will be speaking." Ember says.

"No one will be having a funeral anytime soon I hope" rolling my eyes at them.

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