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It had to be you  © 2024 by LaylaRiddle77 (Layla) All Rights Reserved

Not a single part of this book may be remade, reproduced, or transmitted in any form by any means unless you have my permission and it is credited to me. Including written, electronic, scanning, recordings, which means with our written or proven permission for Author or Publisher. It is illegal to copy this book and post it on any forum, website or distribute it in any means with our permission.

Also all credits to Rick Riordan for characters and plot line.

This will be a little info

Feel free to skip but I do recommend it,

This is after the war with Gaea and is before the trials of Apollo so Jason is not dead yet, well he is mentioned in the chapter tho so he can't be dead, *awkward laugh* moment for me, (I am a really awkward person, heh)

Nico, Will, Frank and Leo is 17, Neeks just turned 17, and Will, Frank and Leo is turning 18 in a few months, Percy, Jason, Piper and Annabeth is 18 and it's the summer before Percy and Annabeth start University and New Rome, Lauren is in the book is 17 as welll

Lauren is related to Reyna but are distant relatives, so basically they know each other BUT they don't see each others as cousins., but like in the books how gods are attracted to Rayna's bloodline its the same thing for her parents and grandparents.

Her family is very complicated, as you know how the grace siblings went to different camps it was similar to Lauren and her brother were except that each other knew about the 2 camps without the knowledge of the gods except for Nemesis. Lauren's brother died in the War with Gaea. Her father died by mortals for reason that is unknown to Lauren, which will be explained during the books.

When it's in bold writing character yelling, bold italics means A/n, when it's in italics it's either a flashback or a character thinking in third person.

There will be an A/n a the end of each chapter.

Love y'all 


It had to be you (Nico x OC)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя