Chapter Three: [Edited]

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Chapter Three

FBI agents Mason and Camilla went to visit a young woman named Kassidy Batesasom, an eighteen-year-old woman who survived from serial killer David Lois after allegedly trying to kill her. He also tried to rape her and kidnap her. FBI profilers Mason and Camilla walked into the victims home.

Kassidy let them in their home. Mason politely told her thank you for having a talk with him and agent Camilla. "So, I'm thinking you're here to talk about David Lois," says Kassidy, facing Mason then sighing. "I understand if you don't want to," says Mason. Kassidy turned around and she looked at Mason and Camilla after she sat down on her living room couch. Mason and Camilla eventually sat down on another living room couch and faced Kassidy.

"You guys are from the FBI?" wondered Kassidy.

"Yes. Um, I am interviewing David Lois including my partner here agent Camilla. I see that Mr. Lois tried to kill you?" wondered Mason.

"Yeah. It happened a month ago. Before he was arrested. I was just coming home from a meeting with my college counselor and I was on my way back home. While I headed to my car, I heard footsteps approaching from behind. Then I remembered turning and wondering who was following me. It was like around five in the evening and when I turned towards my car, I was hit in the back of my head. It hurt so bad that I had to end up in the hospital after he allegedly tried to kill me, and molest me," says Kassidy.

Mason sighed and he nodded his head. "Ms. Batesamon, I don't mean to pry, but did you inform the police after the attack had happened?" asked Mason. "Yes. I told them the same thing I am telling you about David Lois. They asked me if it was possible that David Lois knew me or if I knew him. I told the police I never met him, and I was just shaking and scared. I live on my own and my parents are on their way to visit me from New York to be sure that I am safe. I swear. I am glad that David Lois has been caught. I hope I never experience something like that again," says Kassidy.

Mason nods his head once again and he softly smiles at Kassidy. Mason went to the police department and went to talk with a detective. "Detective Howard?" Mason said, after walking into the police department. "That's me," says Detective Howard and Mason walks up to Detective Howard. "I'm FBI Special Agent Mason Connor, I am here to talk to you about David Lois," says Mason, while David and Mason shook each other's hands. "Yeah. What do you want to know about David Lois?" asked Defective Howard.

"So I am currently interviewing David Lois, and I had met with one of the victims of David Lois, um Kassidy Batesamon," says Mason, sighing. "Yeah, she came here about a month ago after her attack," says Detective Howard. "I need to know if Mrs. Batesamon ever had come across telling you if David Lois might've wanted to kill her," says Mason. "Agent Connor, she did. She told me that while David was attacking her she heard Mr. Lois whispers "I have a secret," to her ear while pinning her down.

"He said that?" wondered Mason.

"Yeah. I asked Mrs. Batesmon if she knew what Mr. Lois meant by that, but unfortunately she doesn't know. This guy had killed over 20 women, and he's a sexual sadist who I hope the execution doesn't get overturned," says Detective Howard.

"Okay, thanks detective," says Mason, then turning around and leaving the police department.

Mason takes a deep breath and exhales his breath after getting into the FBI Chevrolet Suburban car. Mason cranks up the car and he leaves the police department.

While Mason was driving back to the field office, he had a flashback of his father being arrested by cops when Mason was only ten years old. After his father was arrested, unfortunately Mason found out including his mother that his father had murdered over fifteen young girls.

He was sentenced to die on the death row. It's been sixteen years since Mason had last spoken to his father. He wondered if he's still alive, and is still awaiting to die on death row. Mason's mother had to raise Mason on her own.

She had to work two jobs in order for her and Mason to survive. Mason and his mother would visit Mason's father in prison once a week. After Mason had turned sixteen, he stopped visiting his father. Mason's mother was still visiting his father because she wanted to let her husband and as Mason's father to know that she's never going up on him.

Mason does feel guilty about the fact he hadn't visited his father in prison since he was sixteen and he feels like that he failed his father as his own son. Mason wanted to not become like his father.

He wanted to be different unlike his father being a serial killer. Ever since Mason left for college and before joining the FBI Academy, he told his mother that he will be the one to look after her even though his father failed him and his mother.

Before his father was arrested, all he wanted was a happy and healthy family. Mason still remembers when he was a young child his parents would argue because his mother would wonder why his father would come home so late.

Until the truth had been revealed. Mason's father was out late because he would commit a murder. He would change his bloody clothes and put some clean clothes on. He didn't want anyone to know about him murdering young girls. It was too late. Now he's waiting to die on death row.

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