Chapter 8 (Short Chapter)

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She looked into my eyes, and I could see the longing, the fear, and the bravery. She's too much for me. I snapped back to reality. "Hey.. I think I have something of yours.. I found it outside while I was bike riding. I knew your name so I picked it up and figured I should give it back." I dug through my backpack, pulling out the blue notebook. "Oh! Thank you for finding this! The wind must have blown it away.. You didn't read it, did you?" She looked at me, her eyes lighting up. "No, I didn't. Who would invade a girl's privacy like that?" I chuckle a bit, placing my hand on her shoulder gently. "Thank you, Zeek." She suddenly didn't seem so tense, as if she needed someone to hold her, tell her it was okay. I would be that someone. I just know it.

I know it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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