Chapter 5

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I drove home, looking through the notebook. It was.. her diary. It had lots of doodles next to the words.

Entry 1; Hello America, Goodbye Germany!

I moved to America about a week ago so I could get a head start at learning English. It is a very hard language! There's this boy in my class, he's.. funny. He seems so shy and awkward! I think his name is.. Zeek? I want to ask to be friends. He is nice I think. I am too nervous though!! Mother says talking to boys makes me a whore! I don't want that. Maybe if he asks first it won't be so bad? Ughh.. Well.. The period is almost over.. I guess I will write again later.

I felt my face heating up, she wanted to be friends with me. I put her diary down. There was still another page to read, but I needed to gather my thoughts. I looked at the tracking for my order, being shipped. I took a deep breath, my chest felt tight. I was shaking. I needed to calm down, she just wanted to be friends. It's one step closer, right? RIGHT!? Zeek, calm down. It's just being friends.. nothing more. Yet.

      I bite my lower lip and stare at some posters on the wall, and a note on the wall that read; "Love you, kid. - Your old man!" I felt my stomach turn. Dad was always funny. He wasn't around much though, he went missing when I started high school. He was the only one I had left after Mom died. No brothers or sisters, just me and my parents. Now it was just me. A seventeen year old boy who lived alone ever since ninth grade.

      Fuck it. Dad is never coming back, he's probably dead if he hasn't shown up by now.

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